This document aims to demonstrate how magnetic resonance spectroscopy data stored according to the proposed NIfTI MRS format specification can be loaded into MATLAB.
First, clone the following two repositories into your MATLAB directory:
- (example data)
- (DICOM import/export tools)
% Find MATLAB path
pathMATLAB = userpath;
% Add data and DICOM tools
addpath(genpath([userpath filesep 'dicm2nii']));
addpath(genpath([userpath filesep 'mrs_nifti_standard']));
Define the example filename we want to load
nifti_file = 'svs_preprocessed.nii.gz';
Load the NIfTI file:
nii = nii_tool('load', nifti_file);
The resulting nii
struct contains the data array (img
) , NIfTI header (hdr
), and the MRS header extension (ext
nii =
hdr: [1x1 struct]
ext: [1x1 struct]
img: [1x1x1x4096 single]
The complex time-domain data is stored in the img
array, with the first three dimensions being spatial x, y and z dimensions, and the fourth dimensions being time. We can plot the single stored SV FID:
fid = squeeze(nii.img);
hold on
legend('real', 'imag');
hold off
We obviously require a few bits of information to reconstruct the frequency-domain data, most notably the dwell time and the spectrometer frequency. We find the dwell time from the standard NIfTI header:
ans =
sizeof_hdr: 540
magic: 'n+2 ��'
datatype: 32
bitpix: 64
dim: [4 1 1 1 4096 1 1 1]
intent_p1: 0
intent_p2: 0
intent_p3: 0
pixdim: [1 20 20 20 8.3300e-05 1 1 1]
vox_offset: 848
scl_slope: 1
scl_inter: 0
cal_max: 0
cal_min: 0
slice_duration: 0
toffset: 0
slice_start: 0
slice_end: 0
descrip: ''
aux_file: ''
qform_code: 2
sform_code: 2
quatern_b: 1
quatern_c: 0
quatern_d: 0
qoffset_x: -32.9007
qoffset_y: 10.6634
qoffset_z: 21.3559
srow_x: [20 0 0 -32.9007]
srow_y: [0 -20 0 10.6634]
srow_z: [0 0 -20 21.3559]
slice_code: 0
xyzt_units: 0
intent_code: 0
intent_name: 'mrs_v0_2'
dim_info: 0
unused_str: ''
extension: [1 0 0 0]
version: 2
swap_endian: 0
file_name: '/Users/Georg/Documents/MATLAB/mrs_nifti_standard/example_data/svs_1/svs_preprocessed.nii.gz'
We find the dwell time (in s) in the pixdim
field of the NIfTI header, and can derive the spectral width:
sw = 1/nii.hdr.pixdim(5)
sw = 1.2005e+04
We also find the spatial coordinates of the MRS voxel (dimensions and offset) in the sform
field, which we can use to create a voxel overlay mask on an anatomical image.
We still require the spectrometer frequency, which is stored in the header extension. We can access this JSON-formatted bit of information as follows:
% Decode the JSON header extension string
header_extension = jsondecode(nii.ext.edata_decoded)
header_extension =
SpectrometerFrequency: 297.2199
ResonantNucleus: '1H'
EchoTime: 0.0110
RepetitionTime: 5
InversionTime: []
MixingTime: 0.0320
ConversionMethod: 'Manual'
ConversionTime: '2020-11-20T08:20:51.208'
OriginalFile: {'meas_MID310_STEAM_metab_FID115673.dat'}
With the spectrometer frequency in MHz now known, we can create a chemical shift axis:
% Extract F0 and number of samples
f0 = header_extension.SpectrometerFrequency;
npts = nii.hdr.dim(5);
% Create frequency axis
f = [(-sw/2)+(sw/(2*npts)):sw/(npts):(sw/2)-(sw/(2*npts))];
% Convert to ppm
ppm = -f/f0;
ppm = ppm + 4.68;
% Calculate and plot the frequency domain spectrum
spec = fftshift(fft(fid));
plot(ppm, real(spec));
hold on;
plot(ppm, imag(spec));
set(gca, 'xdir', 'reverse', 'xlim', [0 5]);
xlabel('Chemical shift (ppm)');
legend('real', 'imag');
hold off;
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