gradle-plugin that enhances entity-classes with OpenJPA code
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'at.schmutterer.oss.gradle:gradle-openjpa:0.2.0'
apply plugin: 'openjpa'
openjpa {
//additional configuration if required
These configuration properties can be passed to the openjpa-closure:
addDefaultConstructor (boolean) [default: true]
The JPA spec requires that all persistent classes define a no-arg constructor. This flag tells the enhancer whether to add a protected no-arg constructor to any persistent classes that don't already have one.
connectionDriverName (String)
This setting can be used to override any openjpa.ConnectionDriverName set in the persistence.xml. It can also be used if the persistence.xml contains no connection information at all.
openjpa { connectionDriverName = 'com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource' }
This is most times used in conjunction with connectionProperties.
connectionProperties (Map)
Used to define the credentials or any other connection properties.
openjpa { connectionProperties = [ driverClass:'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver', jdbcUrl:'jdbc:mysql://localhost/mydatabase', user:'root', password:, minPoolSize:5, acquireRetryAttempts:3, maxPoolSize:20 ] }
This is most times used in conjunction with connectionDriverName.
enforcePropertyRestrictions (boolean) [default:false]
Whether to throw an exception when it appears that a property access entity is not obeying the restrictions placed on property access.
files (FileCollection)
class files to enhance (defaults to sourceSets.main.output.classesDir) This may be used to restrict the OpenJPA tasks to e.g. a single package which contains all the entities.
openjpa { files = fileTree(sourceSets.main.output.classesDir).matching { exclude '**/Unwanted.class,**/AnotherUnwanted.class' } }
For including only files from a specific package, use the following instead:
openjpa { files = fileTree(sourceSets.main.output.classesDir).matching { include '**/jpa/**' } }
persistenceXmlFile (File)
Used if a non-default file location for the persistence.xml should be used. If not specified, the default one in META-INF/persistence.xml will be used. Please note that this is not a resource location but a file path!
toolProperties (Map)
Additional properties passed to the OpenJPA tools.