Tools for analyzing Variant (VCF) data and the MNEc Affymetrix SNP Chip
Inlcudes python classes for:
- VCFs
- Axiom Genotype Calls
- FASTA files
- VCF style variants
Includes command line tools to:
- Convert AxiomCalls to VCFs
- Conform VCFs for genotype imputation
- Calculate Concordance between VCF Files
- Calculate Precision and Recall using different scores between a test VCF and a reference VCF
- Plot various summary statistics from VCF files
- Calculate the Di statistic using VCF files
Ponytool was developed using python 3.6
For best results, install ponytools into a fresh virtual environment.
# using anaconda virtual env
conda create -n ponytools_env python=3
source activate ponytools_env
The most recent recent stable version is on pypi
pip install ponytools
To install the developmental version from github:
pip install -e git+
$ ponytools --help
usage: ponytools [-h] [--debug] [--interactive] [--overlook] [--version]
Available Commands ...
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optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--debug Drop into ipdb when something bad happens.
--interactive Initiate an ipdb session right before exiting.
--overlook Skip analysis if files produced by --out exists.
--version Print version information and exit.
Ponytools. Tools related to analyzing the MNEc SNP Chip:
Use --help with each command for more info
Available Commands
help Prints this help message
Axiom2VCF (a2vcf)
Convert Axiom calls to a VCF file.
conformVCF Conform a VCF based on a FASTA File and MNEc2M
sortVCF Sort a VCF file based on a FASTA file
compareVCF compare two VCFs. No need to be sorted or conformed, we
will handle that!
VCFInfo Print information about a VCF File
VCFStats Plot stats/histograms based on VCF values, e.g. alt-
freq, call_rate, etc.
VCFPR Compare precision vs recall of two VCFs
Di Python implementation of DI script
samples List and Manipulate Samples
imputation Setup the imputation pipeline
dosageR2 Calculate the Dosage r^2 between reference and imputed
"You aren't even on the right chromosome!"