Businesses usually involving a broad spectrum of applications, that aren't integrated and requiring human intervention at almost every step of the process, this lack of integration and automation pretend to be solved trought an autogenerated GraphQL API Layer. Grapi make GraphQL API integration simple and easy.
yarn add @grapi/server
SDL or Schema Definition Language is part of GraphQL Language, to define data and resolvers for the GraphQL API.
# File schema.graphql
enum Gender {
type Actor @Model( dataSource: "datasource", key: "Actor" ) {
id: ID ! @unique
name: String !
gender: Gender
Grapi read SDL types and autogen resolvers for query and mutations on every model defined in SDL schema.
Grapi for Typescript
yarn init
yarn add @grapi/server @grapi/mongodb
yarn add ts-node apollo-server
yarn add -D typescript
// server.ts
import { readFileSync } from 'fs'
import { resolve } from 'path'
import { MongodbDataSourceGroup } from '@grapi/mongodb'
import { Grapi } from '@grapi/server'
import { ApolloServer } from 'apollo-server'
const getDataSource = async () => {
const datasource = new MongodbDataSourceGroup(
process.env.MONGO_URI as string,
process.env.MONGO_DATA_BASE_NAME as string
await datasource.initialize()
return datasource
const startGraphQLServer = async () => {
const datasource = await getDataSource()
const sdl = readFileSync( resolve( __dirname, 'schema.graphql' ) ).toString()
const grapi = new Grapi( {
dataSources: {
datasource: ( args ) => datasource.getDataSource( args.key ),
} )
const server = new ApolloServer( grapi.createApolloConfig() )
server.listen().then( ( { url } ) => { `GraphQL Server On: ${ url }` ) `Go To Browser And See PlayGround` )
} )
Run server
yarn ts-node server.ts
Also Apollo Server offer a GraphQL Playground open your browser http://localhost:4000
Main characteristic of Grapi is autogen a GraphQL API with types defined in SDL, the previous schema create the next resolvers.
type Query {
actor( where: ActorWhereUniqueInput ): Actor !
actors( where: ActorWhereInput ): [ Actor ! ] !
type Mutation {
createActor( data: ActorCreateInput ): Actor !
updateActor( where: ActorWhereUniqueInput data: ActorUpdateInput ): Actor !
deleteActor( where: ActorWhereUniqueInput ): Actor !
These resolvers serve a schema in a GraphQL Server. Admit retrieve and save data from datasource provided by Mongo DataSource or your custom data source.
Database relationships are associations between tables. Grapi support autogen resolvers for queries and mutations in schema relations. It's easy create a complex server with data relations to retrieve and save data.
Next schema examples shows how to create different relationship types.
value in directive@Model
is the collection name in mongodbThe
value in directive@Model
is datasource alias defined in Grapi instance into dataSources object. That alias is arbitrary and is allow to named as you wish. The only condition is that in schema the alias has to be the same
# File schema.graphql
type ActorToAddress implements Relation @config(
name: "ActorToAddress"
foreignKey: { key: "city_id", side: Actor }
type Actor @Model( dataSource: "datasource", key: "Actor" ) {
id: ID ! @unique
name: String !
address: Address @relation( with: ActorToAddress )
type Address @Model( dataSource: "datasource", key: "Address" ) {
id: ID ! @unique
street: String !
location: Json
# File schema.graphql
type ActorToAddress implements Relation @config(
name: "ActorToAddress"
foreignKey: { key: "city_id", side: Actor }
type Actor @Model( dataSource: "datasource", key: "Actor" ) {
id: ID ! @unique
name: String !
address: Address @relation( with: ActorToAddress )
type Address @Model( dataSource: "datasource", key: "Address" ) {
id: ID ! @unique
street: String !
location: Json
actor: Actor @relation( with: ActorToAddress )
# File schema.graphql
type VehiclesFromActor implements Relation @config(
name: "VehiclesFromActor"
foreignKey: { key: "owner_car_id" }
type Actor @Model( dataSource: "datasource", key: "Actor" ) {
id: ID ! @unique
name: String !
vehicles: [ Vehicle ! ] ! @relation( with: VehiclesFromActor )
type Vehicle @Model( dataSource: "datasource", key: "Vehicle" ) {
id: ID ! @unique
trademark: String !
model: String
name: String
owner: Actor @relation( with: VehiclesFromActor )
# File schema.graphql
type MoviesFromActorManyToMany implements Relation @config( name: "MoviesFromActorManyToMany" )
type Actor @Model( dataSource: "datasource", key: "Actor" ) {
id: ID ! @unique
name: String !
movies: [ Movie! ] ! @relation( with: MoviesFromActorManyToMany )
type Movie @Model( dataSource: "datasource", key: "Movie" ) {
id: ID ! @unique
title: String !
actors: [ Actor ! ] ! @relation( with: MoviesFromActorManyToMany )
With remote love from Colombia