A simple tool to download and import the latest Torque blockchain file. It uses a torrent for faster downloads, direct HTTPS download is also provided as failover.
./torque-blockchain-downloader --help
--data-dir string set a custom blockchain path
-d, --destination-dir string directory to download to
--disable-seed if we are allowed to seed the torrent while downloading
--download-only download the blockchain but don't import
--force if we should remove the current chain
-h, --help help for torque-blockchain-downloader
--import-tool-path string set the path to the import tool if in other location
--manifest-url string set the manifest URL
-m, --method string set the download method. Available 'direct' or 'torrent' (default "torrent")
--without-import-verification if --dangerous-unverified-import 1 should be used on import (less safe, but much faster)
- To download and import the blockchain on first start
- To download and import the blockchain and overwrite your current one
./torque-blockchain-downloader --force
- To download and import the blockchain if you store your blockchain somewhere else than the default
./torque-blockchain-downloader --data-dir /path/to/torque
- To download, import the blockchain and overwrite the current blockchain if you store your blockchain somewhere else than the default
./torque-blockchain-downloader --data-dir /path/to/torque --force
- To download and import the blockchain if torrents are blocked by your provider
./torque-blockchain-downloader --method direct
The tool is written in Go and can be cross-compiled to Linux, Windows and MacOS.
- Install Go
- Install dep, a Go dependency manager
- Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/contribute-torque/torque-blockchain-downloader.git
cd torque-blockchain-downloader
- Pull dependencies
dep ensure
- Build for all platforms
- Or only build for your platform
go build -o torque-blockchain-downloader src/main.go