This is an example of controlling the content of a deployment via ARM parameters.
3master-template.json - entry point template that invokes other templates
0infrastructure-template.json - template that provisions infrastructure: SQL Server and Hosting Plan.
Two modules:
- 1WebsiteA-template - Example website A + SQL database
- 2WebsiteB-template - Example website B + connection to SQL Server
Deployment always consists of the infrastructure and one or both of websiteA and websiteB.
All templates are using the same conventions for parameters and resource names - this allows mapping to the same resources across templates.
Website templates reuse hosting plan and SQL server via reference.
In order to use:
- Clone to your repo
- Replace dk-example-4 in parameter files with your deployment ID
- Choose modules in 3master-parameters.json
- Run ARM deployment and supply RAW github URL to 3master-template.json:
New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName "dk-example-4" -TemplateUri -TemplateParameterFile .\3master-parameters.json