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Easy-ISLisp ver5.25

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@sasagawa888 sasagawa888 released this 15 Aug 02:50

Release Notes

This update focuses solely on improvements to the Edlis editor. There are no changes to Easy-ISLisp.
Due to the discovery of many bugs in version 5.20, we are urgently releasing version 5.25.

Edlis Overview:
Edlis is almost fully compatible with the Edwin editor used in MIT-Scheme and TI-Scheme. It is also a subset of Emacs.

Key Bindings and Assigned Functions:
CTRL+F move to right in character units → key
CTRL+B move to left in character units ← key
CTRL+P move to up in line ↑ key
CTRL+N move to down in line ↓ key
CTRL+J move to end of line
CTRL+A move begin of line
CTRL+E move to end of line
CTRL+D delete one char Back Space key
CTRL+O return Enter key
CTRL+V display next page Page Down key
ESC V display previous page Page Up key
ESC < goto top page Home key
ESC > goto end page End key
ESC f Move forward in word units
ESC b Move backward in word units
ESC CTRL+F Move forward in S-expressdion units
ESC CTRL+B Move Back in S-expression units
ESC CTRL+N Move forward in list units
ESC CTRL+P Move back in list units
ESC CTRL+U Move up a level in the list structure
ESC STRL+D Move down a level in the list structure
Insert Switch insert-mode and overwrite-mode
TAB insert spaces as lisp indent rule
CTRL+X CTRL+C quit from editor with save
CTRL+X CTRL+Z quit from editor without save
CTRL+X CTRL+F load from file to editor
CTRL+X CTRL+V load from file to editor
CTRL+X CTRL+I insert buffer from file
CTRL+X CTRL+S save file
CTRL+X CTRL+W save file as
CTRL+X CTRL+L save region to file as
CTRL+S search a word forward
CTRL+R search a word backward
CTRL+T replace a word
ESC TAB complete builtin function name
ESC I info of function
ESC ^ mark(or unmark) row for selection
CTRL+K cut one line
CTRL+W cut selection
ESC W save selection
CTRL+Y uncut selection
CTRL+G cancel command

EdLis is dedicated to ISLisp. By placing the cursor on a built-in function and pressing ESC i, a description of the function will be displayed at the bottom line.

EdLis is written in C. It operates smoothly and the core part consists of about 3000 lines of C code. Its small size makes it easy to understand the structure, allowing you to modify it to suit your preferences. For more details, please refer to document/