develop - main development branch
LOR-X - feature branch where X is the corresponding ticket number
Go to client:
yarn # to install dependencies
yarn dev # start the server
Go to server:
yarn # to install dependencies
npx prisma generate # updating prisma types in client
npx prisma migrate dev # updating prisma types in the database
yarn dev # start the server
git pull origin/LOR-25 #DO NOT DO THIS
git pull # when you're in a feature branch locally
git push # when you are in develop branch locally
git checkout develop # switching to develop
git pull --rebase # pulling changes from develop
git checkout <feature_branch> # git checkout LOR-24
git rebase develop
## make your changes
git push --force # always do a force push after rebase
If server is already running, save the codegen.yml file to regenerate types
To kill the port if EADDRINUSE error:
kill PID
Checking the DB:
npx prisma studio
Regenerating DB:
npx prisma migrate
For more info visit package.json in server & client.