dotLottieLoader is a library to help downloading and deflating a .lottie file, giving access to the animation, as well as the assets included in the bundle. This repository is an unofficial conversion of the dotottieloader-android library in pure Dart.
It works on Android, iOS, macOS, linux, windows and web.
flutter pub add dotlottie_loader
Also install lottie package to render the animations.
frameBuilder: (BuildContext ctx, DotLottie? dotlottie) {
if (dotlottie != null) {
return Lottie.memory(dotlottie.animations.values.single);
} else {
return Container();
frameBuilder: (ctx, dotlottie) {
if (dotlottie != null) {
return Lottie.memory(dotlottie!.animations.values.single);
} else {
return Container();
errorBuilder: (ctx, e, s) {
return Text(e.toString());
frameBuilder: (ctx, dotlottie) {
if (dotlottie != null) {
return Lottie.memory(dotlottie.animations.values.single,
imageProviderFactory: (asset) {
return MemoryImage(dotlottie.images[asset.fileName]!);
} else {
return Container();
class ManifestAnimation {
String id;
double speed;
String? themeColor;
bool loop;
ManifestAnimation(, this.speed, this.themeColor, this.loop);
class Manifest {
String? generator, author;
int? revision;
String? version;
late List<ManifestAnimation> animations;
Map<String, dynamic>? custom;
Manifest(this.generator,, this.revision, this.version,
this.animations, this.custom);
class DotLottie {
Manifest? manifest;
Map<String, Uint8List> animations;
Map<String, Uint8List> images;
DotLottie(this.manifest, this.animations, this.images);