A very simple game-like demo for Fuel
If you want to make changes to the contract and reploy, you can either install fuelup
with the command below:
curl https://install.fuel.network | sh
or use the Sway Playground.
To build the contract, in the contract
folder run:
forc build
To deploy the contract to the Fuel testnet, in the contract
folder run:
forc deploy --tesnet
To install dependencies, in the frontend
folder run:
npm install
To rebuild TypeScript types for the contract, in the frontend
folder run:
npx [email protected] build
To run the app locally, in the frontend
folder run:
npm start
To use test the app, install the Fuel Wallet, Fuelet, or Metamask.
Ready to keep building? You can dive deeper into Sway and Fuel in the resources below:
📖 See Example Sway Applications