Welcome to the Hadiya Products Website repository. This application is designed to create a robust and user-friendly website for Hadiya Products, hosted on Azure. The website showcases a variety of products and provides a seamless shopping experience for users.
Usage Open your browser and navigate to [https://hadiyafrontend.z13.web.core.windows.net/] to see the frontend. The backend server will be running on http://localhost:3000.
- Frontend: AngularJS
- Backend: Node.js Express.js
- Database: MySQL
- Hosting: Microsoft Azure
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/Hadiya-Azure-Application.git
cd Hadiya-Azure-Application
├── backend/
│ ├── main.tf
│ ├── provider.tf
│ ├── terraform.tfstate
│ ├── terraform.tfstate.backup
│ ├── package.json
│ ├── server.js (or equivalent entry point)
│ └── .env.example
├── frontend/
│ ├── 3rdpartylicenses.txt
│ ├── favicon.ico
│ ├── index.html
│ ├── main.ba7c58d239b9a3f3.js
│ ├── polyfills.c3330657effb08a0.js
│ ├── runtime.e559b2a96ed3db36.js
│ ├── styles.ef46db3751d8e999.css
│ ├── package.json
│ └── src/ (or equivalent source directory)
├── .gitignore
└── README.md