RabbitMQ management related tools/scripts
PS> . .\rabbitmq-management.ps1 PS>DeleteAllQueues -serverUrl "https://local.rabbitmq.com" -port 443 -userName "user" -password "password" -vhost "myvhost"
You can call DeleteAllQueues without any arguments and in this case it defaults to server being 'localhost', port being '15672', username being 'guest', password being 'guest' and vhost being '/'.
PS> . .\rabbitmq-management.ps1 GetQueuesConsumersCount -match "MyApp*" | Export-Csv C:\queueinfo.csv -NoTypeInformation
Note that RabbitMQ management plugin needs to be configured on the Rabbit server for this to work.
More functions will be added using this same pattern.
It uses EasyNetQ Management plugin under the hood. https://github.com/EasyNetQ/EasyNetQ.Management.Client