(Notes: "♥" it's not what we do once in awhile that shapes our lives.It's what we do consistently.)
#day | Title | Pattern | Date |
01 | Finding Max Heap | Heap | 02/09/2019 |
02 | Reverse linked List | Linked List | 03/09/2019 |
03 | Add path for sum | DFS | 04/09/2019 |
04 | DFS traversal | DFS | 05/09/2019 |
05 | DFS patha sum solved | DFS | 06/09/2019 |
06 | DFS add paths for sum | DFS | 07/09/2019 |
07 | All Paths of BST | DFS | 08/09/2019 |
08 | All Paths of BST | DFS | 09/09/2019 |
09 | Finding Median | Heap | 10/09/2019 |
10 | Finding Median | Heap | 11/09/2019 |
11 | Sum of subarray | Sliding Window | 12/09/2019 |
12 | Target Sum | Two pointer | 13/09/2019 |
13 | Sum of all path | DFS | 14/09/2019 |
14 | Traversal | BFS | 15/09/2019 |
15 | DFS sequence path | DFS | 16/09/2019 |
16 | Linked List Cycle length | Linked List | 17/09/2019 |
17 | Merge Interval | Merge Interval | 18/09/2019 |
18 | Cyclic Sort | Cyclic Sort | 19/09/2019 |
19 | Cyclic Sort (own way) | Cyclic Sort | 20/09/2019 |
20 | Max Heap(review) | Heap | 21/09/2019 |
21 | Smallest Sub array | Sliding Window | 22/09/2019 |
22 | Minimum Size Subarray Sum | Sliding Window | 23/09/2019 |
23 | Remove duplicates from sorted array | Two Pointers | 24/09/2019 |
24 | Traversal Reverse | BFS | 25/09/2019 |
25 | Rerver LinkedL recursive | Linked List | 26/09/2019 |
26 | DFS review | DFS | 27/09/2019 |
27 | Leet Code Path Sum 3 | DFS | 28/09/2019 |
28 | Leet Code Path Sum 3 | DFS | 29/09/2019 |
29 | Leet Code Path Sum 3 | DFS | 30/09/2019 |
30 | Leet Code Path Sum 3 | DFS | 01/10/2019 |
31 | Level Order Successor | BFS | 02/10/2019 |
32 | Connect With Siblings | BFS | 03/10/2019 |
33 | Leet Code 897 | DFS | 04/10/2019 |
34 | Review Old stuff | Sliding Window | 05/10/2019 |
35 | Longgest substring | Sliding Window | 06/10/2019 |
36 | Squares of sorted array | Two Pointers | 07/10/2019 |
37 | Reverse Linked List | Linked List | 08/10/2019 |
38 | DFS paths sum count Review | DFS | 09/10/2019 |
39 | review heap & sliding windwo | Sliding Window & heap | 10/10/2019 |
40 | review cyclic sort | cycle sort | 11/10/2019 |
41 | Missing Number | cycle sort | 12/10/2019 |
41 | Subset Basic | subset | 12/10/2019 |
42 | review old stuff | DFS & subset | 13/10/2019 |
43 | fruit Basket problem | Sliding Window | 14/10/2019 |
44 | Happy Number LeetC:202 | Linked List | 15/10/2019 |
45 | Finding Diameter of tree | DFS | 16/10/2019 |
46 | Find distinct subset | Subset | 17/10/2019 |
46 | Max depth of binary tree | DFS | 17/10/2019 |
46 | Diameter of a binary tree | DFS | 17/10/2019 |
47 | Max Path Sum | DFS | 18/10/2019 |
48 | Permutation | Subset | 19/10/2019 |
49 | Review Cycle List | Linked List | 20/10/2019 |
50 | 3sum | Two Pointers | 21/10/2019 |
51 | Order Agnostic Binary Search | BS | 22/10/2019 |
52 | Find/Remove Duplicate | Cycle/2 pointer | 23/10/2019 |
53 | Review Subsets | Subsets | 24/10/2019 |
54 | top k elements | Heap | 25/10/2019 |
55 | Insertion Sort | Sort | 26/10/2019 |
56 | top K elems | Heap | 27/10/2019 |
57 | Merge Two sorted List | Merge Sort | 28/10/2019 |
58 | Recursion Review | Recursion | 29/10/2019 |
59 | finding min distance | DFS | 30/10/2019 |
60 | merge sorted array | sort | 31/10/2019 |
61 | Review BS | Binary Search | 01/11/2019 |
62 | 3sum closest | Two Pointers | 02/11/2019 |
63 | find all the duplicates | cycle sort | 03/11/2019 |
64 | Reviewed Merge Sort | Merge Sort | 04/11/2019 |
65 | Remove Element 4m array | Two Pointers | 05/11/2019 |
66 | Remove duplicates from array | Two Pointers | 06/11/2019 |
67 | Find floor ceiling number | Binary Search | 07/11/2019 |
68 | Review BS | Binary Search | 08/11/2019 |
69 | Review subset | subset | 09/11/2019 |
70 | Finding the next letter | Binary Search | 10/11/2019 |
71 | Letter Case Permutation | Binary Search | 11/11/2019 |
72 | Connect siblings | BFS | 12/11/2019 |
73 | Tree Boundry | BFS | 13/11/2019 |
74 | Path sum 2 | DFS | 14/11/2019 |
75 | Review DFS | DFS | 15/11/2019 |
76 | BT max path sum | DFS | 16/11/2019 |
77 | No repeat substr | sliding window | 17/11/2019 |
78 | Quick sort | sort | 18/11/2019 |
79 | Triplet Sum | two pointers | 19/11/2019 |
80 | Subarrays with Product | two pointers | 20/11/2019 |
81 | Review Sorting | Sort | 21/11/2019 |
82 | Back Space Problem | N/A | 22/11/2019 |
83 | Back Space string compare | N/A | 23/11/2019 |
84 | Tree Boundry | BFS | 24/11/2019 |
85 | Tree Boundry | sort | 25/11/2019 |