This library (intended for use in a Common Lisp environment) implements a tree data structure and an algorithm for calculating the heaviest weighted independent set in a tree. It was developed in fulfilment of the coding requirements for a single semester graduate course in advanced algorithms.
The main algorithm can be found in the algorithm.lisp file.
To load the library, issue the following commands:
(require :asdf)
(push "/path/to/code" asdf:*central-registry*)
(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :hwis)
(use-package :sg-hwis)
Generate a tree with 5 nodes that have a max weight of 100:
(setf tree (generate-tree 5 100))
Save tree to file called new_tree:
(save-tree-to-file tree "new_tree")
Load tree from file:
(load-tree-from-file "new_tree")
Calculate the heaviest weighted independent set, starting from a random node in the tree (note that any successive calls to calculate the hwis for the same tree object, starting from different nodes, will yield incorrect answers):
(hwis (get-random-node tree) tree :return-sum t)
hwis node tree &key path return-sum => list|integer
generate-tree n max-weight => tree
save-tree-to-file tree &optional filename => boolean
load-tree-from-file filename => tree
inspect-tree tree => string
name node => string
weight node => weight
adjacencyhash node => hash-table
set-adjacent node adjacent tree-index => nil
get-adjacency-list node => list
nodehash tree => hash-table
nodearray tree => array
tree-has-node name tree => boolean
get-node-by-name name tree => node
insert-node node tree => integer
get-children node tree &key exclude => list
get-grandchildren node tree &key exclude => list
get-random-node tree => node
remove-node node tree => nil|string
sum-weights nodes => integer
- The tree generation algorithm was adapted from one specified in a blog post by mathematican, Atabey Kaygun.
Sando George ([email protected])
Copyright (c) 2015 Sando George ([email protected])
The HWIS source code is licensed under the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License, known as the LLGPL. The LLGPL consists of a preamble and the LGPL. Where these conflict, the preamble takes precedence. This project is referenced in the preamble as the LIBRARY.