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2017 Albany User Group Meeting (Jan. 17, 18, 2017) and Mesh Adaptivity Tutorial (Jan. 19, 2017)

Irina K. Tezaur edited this page Feb 4, 2017 · 6 revisions

Albany User Group Meeting (Jan. 17, 18, 2017)

The 4th Albany User Group (AUG) meeting will be held on Tuesday-Wednesday January 17-18, 2016 at the Combustion Research Computational/Visualization (CRCV) Suite (Building 903/1021-1022) at the Sandia National Laboratories site in Livermore, CA. A map to the site can be found here.

The purpose of AUG is to bring together Albany users and developers to exchange ideas, discuss developments, and to foster the growth of Albany as a powerful tool for computational methods and applications in mechanics, engineering and applied sciences. The topics covered will include:

  • The current state of Albany.
  • General Albany development, issues and concerns.
  • Developments among different projects (FELIX, Areas, LCM, QCAD, etc.).
  • Future directions.

An agenda for the 2017 AUG meeting, as well as some additional useful information, can be found here.

Below are links to the AUG meeting talks.

Albany Mesh Adaptivity Tutorial (Jan. 19, 2017)

Following the AUG meeting, on Thursday, January 19, 2017, our colleagues at RPI will be organizing a tutorial on mesh adaptivity within Albany using SCOREC tools. The tutorial will be held at SNL/CA and will go from 8:30AM-1PM PST, with optional discussion / hands on work following the morning session.

An agenda for the Albany mesh adaptivity tutorial can be found here.

Slides from the Albany Mesh Adaptivity Tutorial can be found below.


To have a better head count of the people interested in AUG as well as the mesh adaptivity tutorial, we are asking you to please indicate your intention to attend of not in our doodle poll:


For questions about the 2017 AUG meeting or mesh adaptivity tutorial, please feel free to contact us (Irina Tezaur [email protected], Alejandro Mota [email protected]) if you have any questions.

#Action Items

Below is a list of some concrete items brought up at the meeting. They will be converted into issues once the first few items regarding the repository are resolved:

  • Move the Albany repository to a GitHub Organization. Since the user name "Albany" is taken, another name needs to be invented.
  • Create Teams and Projects within the Repository to help organize work efforts within Albany.
  • Clean up the Dashboards. Currently most dashboards have some long-standing failures, which undermines the
  • Possibly move to a master/develop workflow with automated gatekeeping. This remains up for discussion.
  • Remove Albany sub-projects identified as being discontinued, starting with those which have the most impact on core Albany infrastructure. Currently those include:
    • Aeras
    • Epetra-based Embedded UQ systems
    • Stochastic Galerkin systems
    • Hydride
    • CTM
  • Remove Epetra, meaning that it should be possible to execute all the Albany sub-projects using an Epetra-free build.
  • Ensure Trilinos can be built Epetra-free. Work by @gahansen to be continued by @ibaned.
  • Ensure that boundary conditions and certain material properties can be specified in the input file as analytic mathematical formulas (spatially-varying).
  • Generalize the top-level Albany design to allow multiple Problems
  • Allow the use of Physics-based block preconditioning (some of this seems to have been started).
  • Create a GitHub wiki page describing how to compile with PUMI and Omega_h.
  • Move towards running Albany STK-free. The following features need to be added to the PUMI Discretization:
    • Ability to read Exodus files
    • provide DistParams functionality
  • Continue development and V&V efforts of LCM with adaptivity
    • Compare with/without RCU
    • V&V for the stabilized mixed pressure formulation
    • V&V for an adaptive simulation
    • Explore other element formulations if above runs into trouble
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