Cloud LRS is a Learning Record Store, a central place for collecting and storing interoperable Learning Activities from multiple campus systems. It can store statements in compliance with xAPI(v1.0) and IMS Caliper(v1.1) formats.
Cloud LRS uses PostgreSQL as its database to store the statements. In order to set up PostgreSQL and the required database and database users, the following steps should be taken:
brew install postgresql
postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres
dropdb cloudlrs
createuser cloudlrs --pwprompt # The default config assumes the password "cloudlrs"
createdb cloudlrs --owner=cloudlrs
psql -d cloudlrs -f config/schema.sql # recreate DB from schema.sql
createuser cloudlrstest --pwprompt # The default config assumes the password "cloudlrs"
createdb cloudlrstest --owner=cloudlrstest
pg_dump -d cloudlrs > schema.sql # for text file
pg_dump -Fc cloudlrs > db.dump # for pg compliant
pg_restore -d cloudlrs db.dump # recreate it from dump file
In order to install and start the Cloud LRS app server, the following steps should be taken:
git clone git://
Ensure you have the following packages installed and available in your $PATH
- Node.JS(v10.20.0) and NPM
- npm install -g bower
## Install Node modules in package.json
npm install
bower install
Cloud LRS references caliper-js sensor code for Caliper statement validation. Caliper v1.1 is not available for public release yet from IMS. Download and manually add caliper-js-develop from IMS private repo as an npm dependency using the following command.
npm install /path/to/caliper-js
./node_modules/.bin/gulp test
node app
insert into tenants values(<tenant-id>, '<tenant-name>', 'tenant_description', now(), now());
insert into credentials values(<id>, '<app-name>', '<description>', '<key>', '<secret>', '<anonymous-flag>', '<read_permission-flag>', '<write_permission-flag>', '<datashare-flag>', '<sqs-url>', now(), now(), <tenant-id>);
Cloud LRS uses Apache as its reverse proxy. Rename the file in config/default.json (If not it gets overwritten during commits). Set the apache documentRoot and logDirectory in the config/.json file.
Cloud LRS also contains a script that will generate an Apache config file based on the project's configuration. This script can be run by executing the following command from the project's root folder:
node apache/apache.js
This will generate an Apache config file at apache/cloudlrs.conf
, which can be included into the main Apache config file.
Copy the cloudlrs.conf to /path/to/apache2 directory (Eg: /usr/local/etc/apache2)
Include the cloudlrs.conf Apache config file by adding this line to httpd.conf
Include /path/to/apache2/cloudlrs.conf
Restart Apache
sudo apachectl restart
Cloud LRS contains a deployment script that can be used to deploy the latest code. The script installs all dependencies in package json, generates static assets and drops it under /public folder. By default the DOCUMENT_ROOT is set to /var/www/html/ and the static assets are dropped into the folder.
Update the paths in deploy/ for caliper-js-develop dependency and LOG_DIR for forever logs.
To start Cloud LRS app server
To stop Cloud LRS app server
The LRS uses Basic Authentication and accepts Learning statements using cloudlrs-ingest-microservice.
The xAPI statements are validated using before incorporating into the LRS.