This is the release of the first example project version with all the features finished.
- Added cakephp validator - client validation refactoring - Note validation - User validation
- Added Invalid operation exception
- Added monolog TestHandler
- Added response body stream assertions for authentication
- Added samuelgfeller/test-traits for fixtureTestTrait and removed selective/test-traits
- Added Scrutinizer and removed Sonar
- Added samuelgfeller/slim-error-renderer and removed some error handling logic from project
- Added CORS preflight route for API requests
- Refactored request logging for throttling
- Retrieve user ip and id in middleware
- Updated cakephp query builder to v5
- Uniform Action naming with convention
- ForbiddenException caught in middleware instead of action
- Move session out of service layer
- Move repositories in feature folders (vertical slice architecture)
- Replaced LoggerFactory by simple Interface
- Split ClientResult into use case specific DTOs - Dev journal entry
- Added session lifetime config
- Simplified Authorization for frontend
- Changed classes to readonly
- Simplified localization
- Moved navbar in own template
- Replaced XMLHttpRequest with fetch() api
- Removed header redirect-to-route-name-if-unauthorized headers
- Upgrade to PHPUnit v11
- Upgrade symfony mailer to v7
- Stronger type checking
- Updated samuelgfeller/test-traits to v6
- Renamed content placeholder to skeleton loader
- Lot of code cleanup and style improvements