Ami is a TJ Bot robot that, with the implemetation of some IBM's API, develop conversations with a child. Then, with a tenuous vocabulary, it creates a bond with the child.
Our iOS application retrieves data from the conversations, which are stored in a database, and shows the analysis of the perceived emotions and key-words the child said.
Made in Swift 5 for target iOS version 10.3 or greater
We are using CocoaPods to gather the Charts module
Install CocoaPods:
Use your terminal to install CocoaPods
$ sudo gem cocoapods
Go to your project directory
$ cd Ami
And create a Podfile
$ pod init
Then edit this to your Podfile
#add this under
# Pods for Ami
pod 'Charts'
Back in terminal, run
pod install
For now and on, open your project in Ami.xcworkspace
If you want to add the Charts Module, in your Swift file add
import Charts