You can now use GCS fuse for GKE which doesn't require privileged pods:
All credit should go to @pre: kubernetes/kubernetes#7890 (comment)
Create the ConfigMap for the DeviceManager:
kubectl apply -f device-manager-cm.yaml
Create the device manager DaemonSet:
kubectl apply -f device-manager-ds.yaml
Create a namespace for the AppArmor loader:
kubectl apply -f apparmor-ns.yaml
Create the ConfigMap that contains our AppArmor policy:
kubectl apply -f apparmor-cm.yaml
Create DaemonSet that runs AppArmor loader on each node:
kubectl apply -f apparmor-ds.yaml
Create a deployment that specifies our custom AppArmor policy
kubectl apply -f app-that-mounts-fuse.yaml
Now test by running in the fuser-mounter pod
kubectl exec -ti deployment/fuse-mounter -- bash
gcsfuse your-gcs-bucket3 /mnt
Disclaimer: Use at your own risk and customize as nessecary