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Sam Oates edited this page May 20, 2019 · 4 revisions


Welcome to the mui.extended.toolkit wiki!

Setting up mui.extended.toolkit - Manually

Note: This presumes you already have ModernUI and the WPFToolkit setup in your project.

  1. Get the latest version from the releases page.
  2. Add a reference to mui.extended.toolkit.dll to your project.
  3. Add the following line to your app.xaml's <MergedDictionaries> section

<ResourceDictionary Source="/ModernUI.Xceed.Toolkit;component/Assets/ModernUI.Xceed.Toolkit.xaml" />

Setting up mui.extended.toolkit - Nuget

  1. Add the Nuget package to your project.
  2. Update your app.xaml's <ResourceDictionary> to contain something like:
                <ResourceDictionary Source="/FirstFloor.ModernUI;component/Assets/ModernUI.xaml" />
                <ResourceDictionary Source="/FirstFloor.ModernUI;component/Assets/ModernUI.Dark.xaml" />
                <ResourceDictionary Source="/ModernUI.Xceed.Toolkit;component/Assets/ModernUI.Xceed.Toolkit.xaml" />
            <Color x:Key="AccentColor">#FFAA0000</Color>
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