Hi, I'm Sam. This is the repo for my personal website.
This site was built using the egghead MDX Starter for Gatsby. I'm also using ConvertKit for my email list.
Now that the site is launched, here's what's on my roadmap:
- Download last few articles from the old Ghost site and convert them to MD
- Update dependencies 😬
- Migrate to double quotes (run Prettier on components)?
- "Uses" page for useful stuff
- Tags
Convert a Prism theme into the right JS format for React renderer- Move talks content to AirTable
- Migrate "blog" to "writing" ✅
- Add open graph images for Twitter ✅
- Algolia search
I migrated this site from a very old Ghost instance. Here are some resources I found helpful in the process:
- GitHub - eggheadio/gatsby-starter-egghead-blog: This is an example Gatsby blog site that we use as a reference at egghead.
- GitHub - kentcdodds/kentcdodds.com: Kents Homepage
- Why My New Blog Isn’t on Medium – Dan Abramov – Medium
- Overreacted — A blog by Dan Abramov
- GitHub - kyleshevlin/blog: A rewrite of my blog in Gatsby
- GitHub - jlengstorf/lengstorf.com: Source for lengstorf.com, Jason Lengstorf’s personal site.
- GitHub - joelhooks/joelhooks-com: playing with static pages
- Beyond Static With Gatsby & Apollo (Jason Lengstorf) - YouTube
- gatsby-starter-ghost: Gatsby Starter | GatsbyJS
- Imports and exports in Ghost: Access your content and data - FAQ
- ghost-image-downloader
- ghost-to-md
- Download your information – Medium Support
- GitHub - jamischarles/export-medium-to-gatsby: A CLI to convert your medium exported .html files to gatsby .md files.
- Exporting Medium Posts to Markdown - YouTube
scp -r username@droplet_ip:/path/to/file /path/to/destination
for file in *.md; do
mkdir -p "$dir"
mv "$file" "$dir"
mkdir "$dir"/images