This library uses the Mfem library but its developers are in no way endorsed by the original developer of the Mfem library, i.e. LLNL.
Linear Elasticity code displacement outputs are similar to that of the 'ex2' in the mfem library. The change here is that it uses the tensor like representation for evaluation. Meaning, it uses the expresssion:
\sigma_{ij} = C_{ijkl}:\epsilon_{kl}.
In addition to displacements, an Inverse Distance Weighing Interpolation has been used to recover the stress values from the evaluated displacement vector.
To run this code, enter:
./LinearElastic -m SampleGmsh/Bar.msh
At the end of the execution a folder with the name 'PVLinearElastic' shall be generated with the solution files which may be viewed using Paraview. The solution shall similar to the one below.
Since the Mfem-apps depends mostly on Mfem library, it involves downloading and configuring and compiling the library. To make it easy to do this, a bash script is made available so that much of the setup process is automated.
If you are using a non-Debian distribution, make sure that the following packages with the header files (dev packages in Debian based systems) are installed:
- openmpi
- petsc-real
- hypre
- metis
- parmetis
- suitesparse
- libsuperlu-dist
git clone ./
Then go to the build directory of mfem-apps and type the following:
cmake <path to source directory>
make -j2
You should be able to succesfully see the executables now built in the root of your build directory.