Caclulator to help track the 90/180 day schengen visa rule for travellers in Europe. I had created similar functionality in Excel spreadsheet for my personal use when i was travelling in Europe, and thought it would be helpful for others to put online.
Live site can be found here:
Database: PostgreSQL :
Ruby version 3.2.2, source:
To develop locally, rails can be setup normally in the /src folder
Install RVM
Install Ruby 3.2.2 (on ubuntu 22 1. rvm install pkg openssl 2. rvm install 3.2.2 –with-openssl-dir=/usr/share/rvm/usr)
Install docker, docker desktop
in /src Folder
run docker-compose up (to run postgres container)
Set required Environment Variables
run command
`bundle install`
Database setup
run command
`./bin/rake db:create`
run command
`./bin/rake db:migrate`
run command
`./bin/rake db:seed`
run command
`./bin/rake db:update_countries`
run command
`./bin/rake db:guest_cleanup`
Optionally pass in a “to date” to delete guest accounts last modified up to that date
run command
`./bin/rake db:guest_cleanup["2010-10-01"]`
run docker-compose up
command to run applicaiton
`rails server`
command to run tests
`.bin/rake test`
Automatic deployment to AWS lambda / cloudfront via CDK and Github Actions
CDK Deployment code is in /deployment directory
To set up a new aws deployment: In aws create the nessessary application paramaters in AWS Paramater Store which are used on deployment to set the lambda environment Variables:
RAILS_MASTER_KEY: getParam('rails_master_key'), DB_URL: getParam('db_url'), SECRET_KEY_BASE: getParam('secret_key_base'), FACEBOOK_ID: getParam('facebook_id'), FACEBOOK_SECRET: getParam('facebook_secret'), BREVO_LOGIN: getParam('brevo_login'), BREVO_PASSWORD: getParam('brevo_password'), TASK_PASSWORD: getParam('task_password')
The following secrets are required in github secrets. See aws documentation for setting up a deployment user role with least privileges. One approach: Attempt deploy with no permissions, then add permissions that fail until deploy passes.