Rails v6/react App
Ruby Version: 2.6.3 (using rvm - rvm install 2.6.3)
Yarn: npm install yarn
Postgress: sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib libpq-dev
SETUP: Postgresql: create user role: - login to psql: sudo su -postgres - create role: CREATE ROLE salza80 WITH CREATEDB LOGIN
create database: rails create:db
run: bundle install
backend: rails s -p 3001 front-end: cd game_platfrom_spa npm run start
Backend - Rails 6 / Devise / graphql (ruby)
Front-end development uses facebooks create-react-app, and proxies requests to port 3001 in development. Technologies: React/ ApolloGraphql /react-router http://localhost:3000 for front-end app development http://localhost:3001/admin for active admin
Production deploy for front-end:
cd game_platfrom_spa npm run build -- creates production build cp -R game_platform_spa/build/* public/spa --copy spa build to rails public/spa directory
Automated with Capistrano:
run: cap production deploy (with access setup for deployment server/deploy user) -- to deploy app to production