What's Changed
- [PATCH] Chained data services auth overrides. by @salsa-nathan in #112
- [SUPDESQ-25] - added support for validating empty json array by @awset in #219
- [SUPDESQ-37] Unpublish all by @tino097 in #212
- [SUPDESQ-39] - added the spatial map input form and geometry validation by @awset in #213
- [SUPDESQ-72] updated data service label by @awset in #217
- [SUPDESQ-73] added new filter for temporal coverage by @awset in #216
- [SUPDESQ-35] - added support for quantity kind by @awset in #215
- [SUPDESQ-34] - updated vocab name for license fields by @awset in #221
- [SUPDESQ-47] Prevent js by @tino097 in #220
- [SUPDESQ-35] - fix issue when grouping quantity kinds by @awset in #224
- [SUDPESQ-37] Unable to publish by @tino097 in #226
- [SUPDESQ-37] Unpublish issues by @tino097 in #227
- [SUPDESQ-47] moved loader to snippets by @awset in #229
- [SUPDESQ-47] - fix spinner issue by @awset in #230
- [SUPDESQ-35] removed recursive and dimensionless by @awset in #225
- [SUPDESQ-37] Unpublish issues by @tino097 in #228
- [SUPDESQ-29] - added mapping for RDF by @awset in #222
- [SUPDESQ-67] Remove xml export by @tino097 in #231
- [SUPDESQ-67] Remove xml export by @tino097 in #232
- [SUPDESQ-29] Remediation by @tino097 in #233
- Develop into UAT by @MarkCalvert in #235
- [SUPDESQ-91] Nature of relationship by @tino097 in #236
- [SUPDESQ-49] Update the help text for DataService Status display group by @tino097 in #239
- [SUPDESQ-95] Related relationship bug fix by @MarkCalvert in #237
- [SUPDESQ-49] qa fix by @tino097 in #240
- [SUPDESQ-49] qa fix by @tino097 in #241
- [SUPDESQ-36] quality measure by @tino097 in #242
- [SUPDESQ-94] Point of contact for dataservice by @tino097 in #243
- [SUPDESQ-99] Disapearing text by @tino097 in #244
- SUPDESQ-98-Defect - Cloned datasets are not published correctly by @MarkCalvert in #245
- [SUPDESQ-104] Help text by @tino097 in #246
- [SUPDESQ-29] Remediation work by @tino097 in #247
- [SUPDESQ-29] RDF export fix by @tino097 in #248
- [SUPDESQ-29] RDF export fix by @tino097 in #249
- [SUPDESQ-67] Remediation by @tino097 in #250
- [SUPDESQ-29] Remediation by @tino097 in #251
- [SUPDESQ-67][SUPDESQ-29] QA Remediation by @MarkCalvert in #252
- Develop into UAT by @MarkCalvert in #254
- [SUPDESQ-101] Show activity data by @tino097 in #256
- [SUPDESQ-108] Defect - Export metadata records via RDF / TTL fails when Creator is empty by @MarkCalvert in #258
Full Changelog: qdes-1.4.0...qdes-1.4.1