This dotfiles repository is managed with chezmoi
, a great dotfiles manager.
- OS:
Arch Linux
- Terminal:
- Shell:
- Editor:
- Open the terminal -
super + enter
- Close the window that is in focus -
super + shift + q
- Open the application menu -
super + d
|alt + space
- Set a random wallpaper -
alt + w
- Toggle bar -
super + shift + b
- Switch the layout -
- Take a screenshot -
print screen
- Switch to another desktop -
super + 0..=9
- Move the window to another desktop -
super + shift + 0..=9
- Reload Sway -
super + shift + c
The other hotkeys are in ~/.config/sway/modes/default
- Open the terminal -
super + enter
- Launch tmux -
super + shift + t
- Close the window that is in focus -
super + shift + q
- Open the application menu -
super + d
- Open the command menu -
super + shift + d
- Set a random wallpaper -
super + alt + w
- Toggle bar -
super + shift + b
- Switch the layout -
super + shift + c
- Take a screenshot -
shift + print screen
- Switch to another desktop -
super + 1..=6
- Move the window to another desktop -
super + shift + 1..=6
- Reload
-super + shift + u
- Restart
-super + u
The other hotkeys are in ~/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc