- User can see a landing page with a list of featured categories.
- If the user clicks on any one of the categories they will be redirected to the Video list page with the selected category.
User can see a video listing page where all the videos are listed with a section of filters.
User can see multiple filters on the product listing page including,
- Sort By latest video.
- Category: Various categories according to the theme (Basketball, Cricket, Badminton, Football).
On the Video cards, user can see two call-to-action buttons,
- Watch Later: User can click on the "Watch Later" primary button wwhich will add the video to the watch later list & if the user again click on it removes it from the watch later list.
- Add to Favourites: User can click on a "Favourite" icon button where if user click adds the item in the favourite video list & vice-versa.
- User can click on a particular video thumbnail that is redirecting him/her to a single video page where user can,
- Save to Playlist: User can see a list of playlists which are checkboxes where user can select multiple playlists that would add the video to the playlist. If the user un-check the selected playlist it will remove the video from the playlist.
- Like Video: User can like or dislike a video that will add or remove the video from the Liked Videos List.
- Watch Later: User can add or remove a particular video to watch later that will add or remove the video from the Watch Later list.
- From the navbar, User can navigate to his/her playlists where all the playlists are present with the names & videos. On the Playlist Page, 1. User can create a new playlist. 2. User can delete an existing playlist. 3. User can remove a video from a particular playlist.
- User can like or dislike a particular video from either a video listing page or from a single video page which will add or remove the video from the Liked Videos List.
- User can add or remove a particular video to watch later from either a video listing page or from a single video page that will add or remove the video from the Watch Later list.
- When User view a particular video that will add it to the history.
- User can delete a particular video from the history
- User can see a button to "Clear full history" which will clear all the history at once.
- User can see a sign-up page from where he/she can sign-up using email, first name, last name, password & confirm password.
- User can see a hide-show icon button that shows or hides my password.
- User can see a login page from where he/she can log in using email & password.
- I can see a logout button from where I can logout from the app