Strip signatures and previous emails from email bodies
npm install node-mail-stripper
stripper = new MailStripper();
message = stripper.parse(mail);
MailStripper will parse the mail line by line. Whenever a line matches one of the patterns, it will be treated as a signature and the parsing of the email will stop. The output message will contain all the lines before that first 'signature' line
stripper = new MailStripper({
patterns: [
message = stripper.parse(mail);
If your provide the name of the sender of the message, MailStripper will detect a line containing only that name and spaces as a signature.
stripper = new MailStripper();
message = stripper.parse(mail, 'martin saint-macary');
If you find yourself adding rules that could be relevant to other projects, please add them directly to the source and send me a pull request or just create an issue and I'll add them myself
npm test
coffee -c -o . src/