Releases: sabertazimi/awesome-notes
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
🎉 3.3.0 (2021-08-31)
🚀 Building Work
- deps-dev: bump @docusaurus/module-type-aliases (0231dc4)
- deps-dev: bump typescript from 4.3.5 to 4.4.2 (8fe81fe)
- deps: bump @docusaurus/core from 2.0.0-beta.4 to 2.0.0-beta.5 (30a32c0)
- deps: bump @docusaurus/preset-classic (f3defd0)
✨ Today I Learned
- algorithm-OJ: two pointers for palindrome (61ac40f)
- algorithms-OJ: palindrome problem (117f994)
- algorithms: set for duplicates problem (c364fb5)
- cs-OJ: KMP string search algorithm (1503067)
- cs-OJ: middle limits process in binary search (9c7ef1a)
- cs-OJ: refactor OJ basic notes (62a8dbd)
- cs-OJ: repeated string problem (72becfb)
- cs-OJ: review segment tree (3cc7e8c)
- cs-OJ: two pointers in array for slide window (30cc8cc)
- cs-OJ: xor operator usage (8334639)
- design patterns: review basic design patterns (834fea3)
- library-devops: feature toggle service (A/B test) (2206b78)
- library-web: carousel and presentation slides (052c396)
- library-web: community excel library (eb4a3f9)
- library-web: front-end checklist (e02a21e)
- library-web: FS mock library (4a7190b)
- library-web: graceful Node file system API alternative (ad81ef1)
- library-web: Jotai state management (3a56b95)
- library-web: JSON GraphQL mock server (c420d0b)
- library-web: markdown editor (dfdd225)
- library-web: Next.js documentation static site generator (3c61d0d)
- library-web: Node file system utils (01952ad)
- library-web: Node standard API alternatives (0dc576d)
- library-web: React hooks for remote data fetching (88a1fb5)
- library-web: React i18n library (c041ba0)
- library-web: React inspector tools (d49d289)
- library-web: React Query library (98a77c0)
- library-web: React toast notifications (4c00442)
- library-web: React UI library (e7db005)
- library-web: redux framework (bb7792e)
- library-web: regular expression online tool (e0e98d4)
- library-web: state hook (f4cd4c6)
- library-web: TinyMCE rich text editing library (78d979f)
- library: file utils library (8cf76fe)
- web-JavaScript: devtool panel detection (5ae6f15)
- web-JavaScript: tree shaking tips (ee87fc3)
- web-JavaScript: webpack internals (8a1b2f1)
- web-modules: CommonJS require execution (fd99ed4)
- web-performance: window.performance.timing API (b40e5e0)
- web-React: context usecase (c1566ba)
- web-React: review React performance tips (5c96ead)
- web-TypeScript: indexed access types (cbe5d90)
- web-TypeScript: symbol and template literal index signature (6fedf88)
- web-webpack: webpack CLI UI and profiler plugin (6e9f75c)
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
🎉 3.2.0 (2021-08-26)
✨ Today I Learned
✨ Features
- oj: remove C++ OJ notes, ship to TS (a59a408)
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
🎉 3.1.0 (2021-08-22)
✨ Features
- website-search: add document search (lunr.js) support (aa196cb)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- website: remove redundant pages (37dd740)
✨ Today I Learned
- library-web: file saver library (ce55911)
- library-web: text and document search library (7d26554)
- web-module: CommonJS vs ES6 module (fb957b1)
- web-module: module require and evaluation (1a0ff96)
- web-performance: review memory leak in JS (e29831e)
- web-React: truth about React virtual DOM (b261418)
- web-React: virtual DOM library (c19d93a)
- web: eslint and webpack plugin for circular imports (213473b)
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
🎉 3.0.0 (2021-08-21)
- web: switch from
✨ Features
- web: switch to
notes generator (e21b7ba)
✨ Today I Learned
- library-web: alert, notification, prompt and toast (59dbb8a)
- library-web: Prism React renderer (dcf8ed9)
- library-web: React live editor (6d102ae)
- library: svg and perf site (a69ee2e)
- web-cache: file hash name and cache control (5531c5d)
- web-performance: HTML parser performance (4bed462)
- web-performance: perf data reporting methods (0dab02d)
- web-performance: review code splitting (70dea1f)
- web-React: CRA environment variables (84f1399)
- web-React: CRA environment variables list (d0e64df)
- web-React: CRA PWA template (f99047b)
- web-React: CRA relative paths deployment (52614fa)
- web-security: content security policy for prevent XSS (68c1dd6)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- CI-build: rectify building result directory (5f0637d)
- code-dark theme: change dark code theme to
(a13ace1) - docusaurus-navbar: rectify active class for navbar links (99aa3f0)
- java: add correct code block (5383373)
- NPM-ignore: remove unnecessary ignore file (6ae273f)
- README: rectify generator (5a89365)
- syntax highlight: add complete prism highlight (024bc83)
- website: add more navbar links (88d223c)
- website: hidden navbar when scrolling (70d1321)
🚀 Building Work
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.1.2 (2021-08-18)
🐛 Bug Fixes
✨ Today I Learned
- git: git clean command (b3b3d8b)
- git: git commit emoji (3b50c3b)
- library-devops: monorepo devops tools (2037f2d)
- library-web: file watch library (88778b7)
- library-web: hyper formula excel calculation libary (42902f8)
- library-web: JS zip library (683729e)
- library-web: open source icons (e654189)
- library-web: pace.js site progress bar (97be7d0)
- library-web: popper.js v2 (860027f)
- library-web: React benchmark component (74740f1)
- library-web: TypeScript AST utils (28c7075)
- library-web: unused TS exports detection (c7c5a29)
- web-css: PostCSS and StyleLint plugins (9d7c368)
- web-JavaScript: definition of tree shaking (48e7425)
- web-JavaScript: ES6 iterable types (d87e7d5)
- web-JavaScript: ESLint plugins (dc1b2af)
- web-JavaScript: macro and micro tasks (b8f3934)
- web-JavaScript: review RegExp (1e594ee)
- web-JavaScript: review tree shaking case (edcc9b7)
- web-NPM: add useful NPM mirrors URL (e2dd782)
- web-npm: invalid pacakge (98c4c92)
- web-performance: monitor reporting performance (4404f89)
- web-performance: performance user case (e0b5429)
- web-React: CRA and react-scripts initialization (22405ee)
- web-React: CRA css usage (cc97854)
- web-React: new jsx transform (ee100eb)
- web-React: public folder (PUBLIC_URL) hatch (9bf4796)
- web-React: react-scripts start locally (4370582)
- web-React: router basename (7fee77a)
- web-React: routes for CRA deployment (1f05d4d)
- web-security: user privacy leaks (1428be4)
🚀 Building Work
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.1.1 (2021-08-12)
✨ Today I Learned
- library-web: Code House cheat sheets (fe968da)
- library-web: css background util (70702ac)
- library-web: private npm registry (449795d)
- web-JavaScript: form validity APi (59a33c2)
- web-React: CRA template default types definition (8082ab7)
- web-React: custom react scripts (88f1ca7)
- web-React: deployment services for SPA (4a5eef8)
- web-React: deps in CRA template (d06663b)
- web-testing: Jest async testing (119872e)
- web-testing: user event testing library (28d86a7)
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.1.0 (2021-08-10)
- GitHub Linguist: enable markdown lanuage detection (e1ff4aa)
- web-testing: e2e testing focus (0089521)
Today I Learned
- design patterns: review design patterns (a33bf44)
- git-GitHub: GitHub linguist config (1535147)
- git-log: git log advanced filters (5bf75d1)
- jest-paths: resolve paths from tsconfig.json (1f41e63), closes #105
- library-devops: application performance monitoring system (346a617)
- library-web: 3d tilt library (7528f89)
- library-web: auto mapper TS library (6e08d33)
- library-web: chokidar file watching library (3c8ef44)
- library-web: currencies i18n TypeScript library (fdee495), closes #105
- library-web: design resources (2bd6e40)
- library-web: i18n library (19250b6)
- library-web: JamStack rendering policy (c992cc9)
- library-web: postcss preset env plugin (1e3b30a)
- library-web: React toast library (9e92024)
- library-web: three CSS-in-TypeScript library (d2f86f0), closes #105
- library-web: type-safe (TypeScript) APIs server (de131f1), closes #105
- library-web: TypeScript audio library (2765feb)
- library-web: universal tool for packges comparison (a8857ab), closes #105
- library-web: V8 compile cache (67f0a83)
- library: devops platform (a931127)
- library: image and audio library (f3704e5)
- library: micro front-ends (6ffa8f5)
- library: souregraph (e2ec8bb)
- web-a11y: a11y 101 tips (4f15cbe), closes #105
- web-a11y: a11y checklist (ec6f894), closes #105
- web-a11y: a11y devtools (f1786f0), closes #105
- web-a11y: devtools element inspection (80230b9), closes #105
- web-a11y: WAI-ARIA roles (3bbbb84), closes #105
- web-a11y: WAI-ARIA roles (40220d1), closes #105
- web-a11y: web concent a11y guidelines (5eedbce), closes #105
- web-css: BootStrap 5 cheatsheet (b573512), closes #105
- web-css: button label vertical alignment (b515d03)
- web-CSS: CSS shapes and icons (3fa4a58)
- web-css: custom form widgets (949b76f)
- web-css: custom table cells (06c83b8)
- web-css: diff between *-content and *-items in flex/grid (57badf7)
- web-css: geometry tips (9d9add0)
- web-css: homepage UX tips (2269f57)
- web-css: hover gradient button (81c699c)
- web-css: move css perf to basic notes (99efa72)
- web-css: multiple-column layout (704d471)
- web-css: shape-outside style (1739b55)
- web-css: size and position for gradient button (4d937a8)
- web-JavaScript: cypress reference (8060214)
- web-JavaScript: JamStack methodology (0b7ad9d)
- web-JavaScript: memory snapshot panel (47d5925)
- web-JavaScript: monkey patch debug tips (7505bd2)
- web-JavaScript: more ESNext features (a6a88c2)
- web-React: React children array API (91bc504), closes #105
- web-React: react hooks testing (1cbfdb6)
- web-Redux: redux performance pitfalls (cda0db7)
- web-testing: jest
DOM extension (1cc94f9) - web-testing: Jest API and mocks (eea850d)
- web-testing: Jest DOM expect API (2c4811b), closes #105
- web-testing: jest mock (a714277)
- web-testing: jest setup configuration ([badc164](badc164b84d01ecc376...
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.0.3 (2021-08-03)
Bug Fixes
Building Work
field for TIL (bf7cdf6)
Today I Learned
- git-GitHub: review GitHub pages setup (b2d180a)
- web-Node:
fields (4bd5de3), closes #105 - web-Node: exports path alias (bf359ab), closes #105
- web-NPM: npm workspaces basic usage (5fc2884), closes #105
- web-TypeScript: index signature of Enum (0346523)
- web-TypeScript: module resolution (a9353e0)
- web-TypeScript: paths mapping in tsconfig.json (274de00)
- web-TypeScript: workspaces and references for monorepo (65a715a), closes #105
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.0.2 (2021-08-02)
Bug Fixes
- release: tag with signature (6f79032)
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.