All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.1.0 (2021-08-10)
- GitHub Linguist: enable markdown lanuage detection (e1ff4aa)
- web-testing: e2e testing focus (0089521)
Today I Learned
- design patterns: review design patterns (a33bf44)
- git-GitHub: GitHub linguist config (1535147)
- git-log: git log advanced filters (5bf75d1)
- jest-paths: resolve paths from tsconfig.json (1f41e63), closes #105
- library-devops: application performance monitoring system (346a617)
- library-web: 3d tilt library (7528f89)
- library-web: auto mapper TS library (6e08d33)
- library-web: chokidar file watching library (3c8ef44)
- library-web: currencies i18n TypeScript library (fdee495), closes #105
- library-web: design resources (2bd6e40)
- library-web: i18n library (19250b6)
- library-web: JamStack rendering policy (c992cc9)
- library-web: postcss preset env plugin (1e3b30a)
- library-web: React toast library (9e92024)
- library-web: three CSS-in-TypeScript library (d2f86f0), closes #105
- library-web: type-safe (TypeScript) APIs server (de131f1), closes #105
- library-web: TypeScript audio library (2765feb)
- library-web: universal tool for packges comparison (a8857ab), closes #105
- library-web: V8 compile cache (67f0a83)
- library: devops platform (a931127)
- library: image and audio library (f3704e5)
- library: micro front-ends (6ffa8f5)
- library: souregraph (e2ec8bb)
- web-a11y: a11y 101 tips (4f15cbe), closes #105
- web-a11y: a11y checklist (ec6f894), closes #105
- web-a11y: a11y devtools (f1786f0), closes #105
- web-a11y: devtools element inspection (80230b9), closes #105
- web-a11y: WAI-ARIA roles (3bbbb84), closes #105
- web-a11y: WAI-ARIA roles (40220d1), closes #105
- web-a11y: web concent a11y guidelines (5eedbce), closes #105
- web-css: BootStrap 5 cheatsheet (b573512), closes #105
- web-css: button label vertical alignment (b515d03)
- web-CSS: CSS shapes and icons (3fa4a58)
- web-css: custom form widgets (949b76f)
- web-css: custom table cells (06c83b8)
- web-css: diff between *-content and *-items in flex/grid (57badf7)
- web-css: geometry tips (9d9add0)
- web-css: homepage UX tips (2269f57)
- web-css: hover gradient button (81c699c)
- web-css: move css perf to basic notes (99efa72)
- web-css: multiple-column layout (704d471)
- web-css: shape-outside style (1739b55)
- web-css: size and position for gradient button (4d937a8)
- web-JavaScript: cypress reference (8060214)
- web-JavaScript: JamStack methodology (0b7ad9d)
- web-JavaScript: memory snapshot panel (47d5925)
- web-JavaScript: monkey patch debug tips (7505bd2)
- web-JavaScript: more ESNext features (a6a88c2)
- web-React: React children array API (91bc504), closes #105
- web-React: react hooks testing (1cbfdb6)
- web-Redux: redux performance pitfalls (cda0db7)
- web-testing: jest
DOM extension (1cc94f9) - web-testing: Jest API and mocks (eea850d)
- web-testing: Jest DOM expect API (2c4811b), closes #105
- web-testing: jest mock (a714277)
- web-testing: jest setup configuration (badc164)
- web-testing: more jest configuration (f5484c0), closes #105
- web-TypeScript: function overload (4a93478)
- web-TypeScript: generic types constraints (e79e935)
- web-TypeScript: implicit index signature error (51a54a0), closes #105
- web-TypeScript: input types (94316c7), closes #105
- web-TypeScript: pros of decorators (374f5c1)
- web-TypeScript: static files modules (7572010), closes #105
- web-TypeScript: type guard (2a24820)
- web-webpack: get paths from tsconfig.json (6c5c75d)
- web-webpack: webpack 5 assets module (88dcabf)