Bootstrap a Jenkins server using Packer, Terraform, Docker, and AWS with minimal manual setup.
Follow these steps to create your Jenkins server from scratch.
Update the following values in terraform/remote_state/
- Where your Terraform state will be stored. Must be globally unique! Example:"terraform-state-my-project"
Update the following values in terraform/
- VPC that Jenkins will run in. Example:"vpc-123abcd"
- ID of a public subnet in your VPC. Example:"subnet-abcd123"
- CIDR address for inbound traffic to your Jenkins instance. Example:""
Follow these instructions to create an EC2 Key Pair to be able to access your EC2 instance with ssh. We will use this key pair later to retrieve the Jenkins admin password.
cd terraform/remote_state
terraform init
terraform apply
This AMI will include the Dockerfile and plugins.txt needed to run the Jenkins docker image.
Before running this, ensure you have set the following env variables:
cd terraform/jenkins
packer validate jenkins_image.json
packer build \
-var "aws_access_key=${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}" \
-var "aws_secret_key=${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}" \
cd terraform
terraform init
terraform apply
In the output, you should see the public ip address and public dns name for your instance. Your instance will take a few minutes to be up and running.
Once the EC2 instance is running, ssh to the machine to retrieve the jenkins password from the docker container. You will need the following:
- Path of the EC2 key you created earlier
- EC2 instance private_ip from Terraform output
ssh -i <ec2_pem_key_location> ubuntu@<instance_public_ip>
From the EC2 instance:
sudo su - root
CONTAINER_ID=$(docker ps -l -q)
docker exec -it $CONTAINER_ID /bin/bash
cat var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword
Copy this password
Use the public dns name that was provided in the Terraform output to login to the Jenkins instance:
You should see the "Unlock Jenkins" screen. Use the admin password to login.
Follow these instructions to destroy your Jenkins server and all dependent infrastructure.
cd terraform
terraform destroy
This will destroy all Terraform state
cd terraform/remote_state
terraform destroy