./gradlew bootRun
- Load your inseng credentials
vaulted shell <inseng>
- Log in to Starlord (https://starlord.inscloudgate.net/)
docker login -u <username> -p ... starlord.inscloudgate.net
- Build (tag should be the sha of master)
cg build -e edge -t <tag>
- Deploy
cg deploy -e edge -t <tag> -u <username>
- Provision the application
cg provision -e edge
- Follow deployment steps above as normal
- Find the DNS name of the application
EC2 -> Load Balancers -> search "light-bike" -> Basic Configuration
- Update the Route53 Hosted Zone with the new DNS name
Route53 -> Hosted Zones -> search "light-bikes" -> Edit Record Set -> paste DNS name as the new value
- Wait for AWS to update