An open-source space trivia app for Android.
Written by Dan Ruscoe (
- Android SDK
- Android 2.2 platform
- OpenCSV 2.3
- Import the Space Trivia project into Eclipse.
- Download and install the OpenCSV library (Installing the OpenCSV Library in Eclipse.)
- Build the project as an Android application.
Trivia categories and questions can be found in CSV files within the /res/raw directory.
- Download OpenCSV 2.3
- Extract the archive and locate the file named opencsv-2.3.jar, in the 'deploy' directory.
- Open the Space Trivia project in Eclipse.
- Create a new folder named libs in the root of the Space Trivia project.
- Copy opencsv-2.3.jar into the newly created libs folder.
- From the main menu, select Project then Clean... and clean the project.
Categories and questions are contained in .csv files. To edit the files:
In the Space Trivia project, navigate to the res/raw directory.
To add a new question to an existing category, open the .csv file named after that category and add a new line. See Question CSV Data Format.
To add a new category, open categories_data.csv and add a new line. See Category CSV Data Format.
To add questions for a new category:
- Create a new file in the res/raw directory. The naming convention is:
- Populate the new file with CSV-formatted question data. See Question CSV Data Format.
- Open src/org/ruscoe/spacetrivia/dao/
- Locate the onCreate method and look for the following code:
importQuestionsData(db, R.raw.questions_space_exploration); importQuestionsData(db, R.raw.questions_earth_moon); importQuestionsData(db, R.raw.questions_solar_system);
- Add a line below that section of code, similar to this:
importQuestionsData(db, R.raw.questions_my_category);
Note that the resource ID (R.raw.*) must match the name of the question data file you created, minus the .csv extension.
- On your device, clear the application data (or uninstall) and rebuild the application from Eclipse.
- Your new category / question data should now appear in the application.
- Create a new file in the res/raw directory. The naming convention is:
1, "Space Exploration"
- The unique ID of the category.
- The name of the category.
1,1,"The first manned Moon landing occurred in July of which year?","The first manned Moon landing occurred on July 20th, 1969 during the Apollo 11 mission.",1969,1959,1979
- The ID of category the question belongs to. Must match an ID in the categories CSV file.
- The unique ID of the question.
- The question text.
- The long answer text, shown after the user selects an answer.
- The correct answer option.
- Incorrect answer option #1.
- Incorrect answer option #2.
Released under the MIT License.
UI sounds courtesy of GUI Sound Effects.