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The K Semantics of IMP

IMP is a toy programming language with mutable variables and sequential execution.

This project showcases the modern methodology of defining language semantics in K.

KIMP consists of two major components:

  • The K definition of IMP;
  • The kimp command-line tool and Python package, that acts as a frontend to the K definitions.

Trying it out in docker (EASY)

The project defines a Docker image that allows both using kimp as-is and hacking on it.

First off, clone the project and step into its directory:

$ git clone
$ cd imp-semantics

Then, build the image:

$ make docker TAG=imp-semantics:latest

Run the following command to start a container with an interactive shell:

$ docker run --rm -it imp-semantics:latest /bin/bash

The examples folder, as well as a test script is already copied into the workspace. You can run the tests with:

$ ./

To work with files from the host, run the countainer with a volume mounted. For example, the following command starts the container and mounts the current working directory under ~/workspace, ensuring you can work on the examples and have them transparently available in the container.

$ docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD":/home/k-user/workspace -u $(id -u):$(id -g) imp-semantics:latest /bin/bash

If everything is up and running, feel free to jump straight to the Usage section below. If you don't want to use docker, read the next section to build kimp manually.

Installation Instructions (ADVANCED)


Make sure the K Framework is installed and is available on PATH. To install K, follow the official Quick Start instructions.

Standalone Installation

kimp is a Python package that can be installed using pip, ideally into a virtual environment:

$ python -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ pip install .

After installing the package, the K definitions defined by kimp have to be kompiled.. To kompile the K definitions for both the LLVM (for concrete execution) and Haskell (for symbolic execution) backend, execute:

(venv) $ kdist --verbose build -j2 'imp-semantics.*'

After installing the project, you can access the kimp CLI:

(venv) $ kimp --help

For Developers

Install poetry following the instruction here. Run poetry install to transparently install the package into a virtual environment managed by poetry.

Use make to run common tasks (see the Makefile for a complete list of available targets).

  • make: Check code style and run unit tests (also runs poetry install)
  • make kdist: Kompile K definitions
  • make check: Check code style
  • make test-unit: Run unit tests
  • make format: Format code

Command make kdist needs to be repeated each time the .k files under kimp/src/kimp/kdist/imp-semantics change,

Use poetry run kimp to execute the kimp CLI. To avoid prefixing every command with poetry run, activate the virtual environment with poetry shell.


kimp is intended to demonstrate the two main function of the K framework:

  • running example IMP programs using K's concrete execution backend
  • proving claims about IMP programs by executing them with K's symbolic execution backend

Run kimp --help to see the available commands and their arguments. Let us now give examples for both concrete executing and proving:

Concrete Execution

The K Framework generates an LLVM interpreter from the language semantics. Let is see what it does on a simple example program:

kimp run examples/sumto10.imp

this program adds up the natural numbers up to 10 and should give the following output configuration:

    k |-> 11
    n |-> 10
    sum |-> 55

Symbolic Execution

The K Framework is equipped with a symbolic execution backend that can be used to prove properties of programs. The properties to prove are formulated as K claims, and are essentially statements that one state always rewrites to another state if certain conditions hold. An example K claim that formulates an inductive invariant about the summation program we've executed before can be found in examples/specs/imp-sum-spec.k. Let us ask the prover to check this claim:

kimp prove examples/specs/imp-sum-spec.k IMP-SUM-SPEC sum-spec

That command would run for some time and output the symbolic execution trace to a file upon completion. We can pretty-print the trace:

kimp show IMP-SUM-SPEC sum-spec

or even explore it interactively in a terminal user interface

kimp view IMP-SUM-SPEC sum-spec


The K semantics of IMP and associated tools






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