This is a simple collection of AwesomeWM RC files I use for my desktop environment. I'm generally working inside Emacs and web browsers, with occasional use of gimp.
This configuration is used on both Debian Jesse/Sid and Ubuntu 14.4 (LTS).
- Ubuntu 14.4: 3.4.15-1ubuntu1
The terminal
is configured to urxvtc
, which may not work out for
you. I use the following wrapper script to start the urxvtd
if it is not currently running:
/usr/bin/urxvtc "$@"
if [ $? -eq 2 ]; then
/usr/bin/urxvtd -q -o -f
/usr/bin/urxvtc "$@"
The only widget I've customized is the Volume Widget volume.rc
. The
XF86AudioRaiseVolume, XF86AudioLowerVolume, and XF86AudioMute buttons
are tied to amixer
and the pulse
driver. The widget displays next
to the date widget with a red 'M' when muted. When unmuted, the volume
percentage is displayed in white with a colored background from blue
for quiet to red for loud.