Data and analysis R code for the paper Eucalypt flower size and colourfulness reflect pollination more than abiotic environment
Using RStudio open main.R and run scripts in order given in this main script.
Necessary packages can be installed by running install_dependencies.R. Check package versions mentioned in this script are consistent with your installed versions. Originally run in R version 4.3.0
The code caches several steps of the data cleaning and results. Original files for some environmental data are not provided as they are too large for GitHub and/or not allowed to be shared but processed rasters are available in data_output/rasters.
Feel free to re-use scripts and functions for your own analyses, e.g.
arclabel.R adds custom labels to circular phylogenies by providing the tips to draw the label between
Citation: Stephens, R. E., Sauquet, H., Laugier, B., Gosper, C., Gallagher, R. V. Eucalypt flower size and colourfulness reflect pollination more than abiotic environment. In review.