- Role: Instructor, Software Development
- School Email: [email protected]
- Dream Career: Software Engineer
- Hidden Talent: solve a Rubik's Cube in under 2 minutes
- Course Name: CSC 118 - Swift Fundamentals I
- Institution: Durham Technical Community College
- Textbook: Develop in Swift Fundamentals Xcode 15
Unit 1: Getting Started with App Development
- 1.2 Introduction to Swift and Playgrounds
- 1.3 Constants, Variables, and Data Types
- 1.4 Operators
- 1.5 Control Flow
- 1.6 Xcode
- 1.7 Building, Running, and Debugging an App
- 1.8 Documentation
- 1.9 Interface Builder Basics
- Light
Unit 2: Introduction to UIKit
- 2.2 Strings
- 2.3 Functions
- 2.4 Structures
- 2.5 Classes and Inheritance
- 2.6 Collections
- 2.7 Loops
- 2.8 Introduction to UIKit
- 2.9 Displaying Data
- 2.10 Controls in Action
- 2.11 Auto Layout and Stack Views
- Apple Pie
Unit 3: Navigation and Workflows
- 3.2 Optionals
- 3.3 Type Casting and Inspection
- 3.4 Guard
- 3.5 Constant and Variable Scope
- 3.6 Enumerations
- 3.7 Segues and Navigation Controllers
- 3.8 Tab Bar Controllers
- 3.9 View Controller Life Cycle
- 3.10 Simple Workflows
- Personality Test