A nest control panel made with Twitter Bootstrap. View historcal graphs and control your nest right from your web browser!
- Intuitive graphing using Highcharts Highstocks graphing tools
- Control panel to set temperatures and tweak settings
- php5-json
- php5-mcrypt
Create a mysql database and give it a username and password.
create database nest_stats;
grant all privileves on nest_stats.* to nest_stats@localhost identified by 'some-password';
Export the tables from dbsetup.sql to the mysql database.
mysql -unest_stats -p nest_stats < dbsetup.sql
Set up vhost with documentroot pointing to ./web/ directory
Example: /home/user/nest.domainname.com/web/
Copy nest.conf.php_EXAMPLE to nest.conf.php in the includes directory.
cp ./includes/nest.conf.php_EXAMPLE nest.conf.php
Edit nest.conf and follow install prompts.
Configure the crontab to collect nest data and do scheduled tasks: Modify the path below to reflect your install:
*/5 * * * * /bin/rm -f /tmp/nest_php_* ; cd /home/f0rkz/nest.f0rkznet.net/includes/scripts/; /usr/bin/php /home/f0rkz/nest.f0rkznet.net/includes/scripts/collect-nest-data.php > /dev/null
You may also update the frequency of data collection by modifing the crontab as so. 5 minutes works out pretty well and keeps from flooding the Nest API with too many requests.
Create an account once you can access the tool and configure your nest login information in settings.