The program is designed to perform graph operations on two different types of graphs based on the value of the command-line argument argv[1].
Graph Type 1 (argv[1] == 1): Construct a graph with directed edges and calculate zones and paths.
Graph Type 2 (argv[1] == 2): Construct a graph with weighted edges, calculate paths using Dijkstra's algorithm, and provide information about a treasure transport scenario.
graf-L.h: Header file containing function declarations and structure definitions for graph operations. graf-L.c: Source file containing the implementation of graph operations. test-graf.c: Main program file that reads input data, performs graph operations, and generates output.
The program performs various graph operations, including:
Graph Construction: Reads input data to construct a graph with specified nodes, edges, and costs.
Zone Calculation (argv[1] == 1): Finds zones in the graph and calculates the number of paths within each zone.
Dijkstra's Algorithm (argv[1] == 2): Calculates the shortest paths in a graph with weighted edges.
Treasure Transport Scenario (argv[1] == 2): Simulates a scenario involving transporting a treasure between two nodes, considering depth constraints.
To build and run the program:
Compile the source files:
gcc -o test-graf graf-L.c test-graf.c -Wall
(Or you can use directly "make" command)
Run the compiled program with a command-line argument:
./test-graf 1 # For Graph Type 1 ./test-graf 2 # For Graph Type 2
The program reads input data from a file named "". The input format depends on the graph type:
Graph Type 1 (argv[1] == 1):
First line: Total number of nodes (total_nodes) and total number of paths (total_paths). Subsequent lines: Information about paths, including source node, destination node, and cost.
Graph Type 2 (argv[1] == 2):
First line: Total number of safe zones (safe_zones) and total number of edges (arce). Subsequent lines: Information about edges, including source node, destination node, and cost.
Lines after edges: Information about depth of each island. Last line: Weight of the treasure (greutate_comoara).
The program generates output in a file named "tema3.out". The output format includes information based on the graph type and operations performed:
Graph Type 1 (argv[1] == 1):
First section: Adjacency list representation of the constructed graph. Second section: Number of zones and the number of paths within each zone.
Graph Type 2 (argv[1] == 2):
Depending on the scenario: Information about the nodes visited during a DFS traversal. Shortest paths and related information using Dijkstra's algorithm. Details about the treasure transport scenario.