Circular is a Javascript library for drawing a week-long circular schedule/timetable for university students using HTML5 canvas.
Initialize the library by adding the library to your HTML file. Create a <canvas>
to your file.
circular.init(id, customConfig);
- id - ID of the canvas
- customConfig - custom configurations for the canvas
label: "My Schedule", // schedule title (placed at the middle of the schedule)
background: "#2c3e50", // canvas background color
isDarkTheme: true, // sets the "ghosts" to light or dark
hasEdge: true, // sets the subjects to circular or edged
invertedDays: true, // inverts the order of days
size: 25, // line size
title: { // configurations for normal text
font: "Arial",
size: 12,
color: "#ffffff",
time: { // configurations for time indicators
font: "Arial",
size: 10.5,
color: "#ffffff",
colors: [] // color palette for subjects
circular.addCourse(day, time, courseTitle, section, room, color);
- day - (array) day of subjects -- 0: Mon, 1: Tue, 2: Wed, 3: Thu, 4: Fri
- time - time of the subjects in 24 hour time separated by "-"
- courseTitle - course title/course name
- section - section
- room - room (optional)
- color - color of the subject in hex (optional, uses colors in config.colors if not specified)
// Example
circular.addCourse([0, 2, 4], "9:00-14:00", "X-1L", "ICS LH3", "#000000");
Returns the ID of the subject
circular.editSubject(id, args);
- id - id of subject to be modified
- args - arguments to be replaced (array)
- id - id of subject to be removed
Returns the subject
If you would like to contribute to this project, just send a pull request. If you have any questions, you can contact me via email. You can also visit me here.