Implementation of the Upset graphing technique a la UpsetR. Still incomplete and missing features, should be enough if you need to make preliminary graphs in Julia. Currently takes in a list of dictionar
Installable using
Not added to the main registry yet but will potentially be added in the next few months.
julia> a = input_dict = Dict(
"list1" => ['l','t','A','B'],
"list2" => ['l','t','A','B','C','l'])
Dict{String, Vector{Char}} with 2 entries:
"list1" => ['l', 't', 'A', 'B']
"list2" => ['l', 't', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'l']
julia> result = plot_upset(a)
2-element Vector{Any}:
Plot{Plots.GRBackend() n=8}
Captured extra kwargs:
series_annotations_align: right
series_annotations_align: right
Vector{Any}[[4, 1], ["list1", "list2", "list2"]]
Returned is a list with two elements. The first is the plotting element and the second is a list that contains the number of elements for each overlap and secondly what groups are in each overlap. Will later become a list of lists such that it is clear what groups go with what index.