The goal of mort is to provide a framework to identify potential mortalities or expelled tags in passive acoustic telemetry arrays with non-overlapping receivers. The potential mortalities that are flagged by mort should be reviewed by the user, and considered for removal from the dataset.
Please note that this method is conservative, and therefore may overestimate the number of mortalities in the system. It is therefore not advised to use the results as estimates of survival or tagging effects. Rather, the purpose is to remove or reduce potential bias before conducting further analyses.
mort uses thresholds from the dataset itself, use-defined thresholds, and several customizable options, to allow application to a wide number of species and acoustic arrays. By providing a standardized framework for consideration of potential mortalities, we hope this tool will be useful and encourage greater reproducibility in acoustic telemetry research.
You can install mort from CRAN with the line below.
To install mort directly from GitHub, including any updates that might
not be released on CRAN yet, use the line below. Note that you must have
the package devtools
Please see the package vignettes for more details, as well as guidelines and tips for the following functions.
condenses detection records into residence events, with a
start time, end time, and duration. Residence events are used as the
input for all other mort functions.
generates plots of residence events using ggplot2
. Plots
are automatically formatted to maximize visibility of the dataset, and
can be further modified using ggplot2
commands. Interactive plots can
also be generated using plotly
identifies potential mortalities or expelled tags, based on the
duration of single residence events or cumulative residence events (see
vignettes for a complete explanation). Thresholds are derived from the
input dataset.
identifies potential mortalities or expelled tags from
infrequent or intermittent detections. Thresholds and timeframes are
defined by the user.
examines new data to determine if an animal that was previously
flagged as a mortality has moved, and may therefore be alive.
These are functions that may be called by morts
and/or infrequent
depending on the options that are selected. These functions are fully
documented so the user can explore their data and the process used by
identifies the most recent station or location change
for each animal (i.e., the last time each animal moved, and therefore
was assumed to be alive).
extracts the residence events that occurred prior to the most
recent station change for each individual.
generates cumulative residence events (from the first time
an animal was detected at a given station to the last time an animal was
detected at the same station, ignoring gaps in detection) that occurred
prior to the most recent station change for each individual.
creates drift events from sequential residence events, where
detected movement between stations may be due to drifting of a dead
animal or an expelled tag.
selects residence events from user-specified seasons or periods
of interest.
shifts the start time of a flagged mortality earlier, if the
residence event that triggered the flag was not the earliest consecutive
residence event at that station/location.
mort is pretty new. Although it is has been tested extensively on a complex dataset, we expect that issues will arise as mort is applied to other datasets and systems. If you run into any issues or have any suggestions for improvements, please post an issue on GitHub, and we’ll see what we can do!