This is a Julia port of leonsim's simhash, a python implementation of the Simhash algorithm. I doubt it's idiomatic Julia and it's not optimized (should there be performance gains in porting it to Julia).
This package is unlikely to be maintained.
- Nettle 0.2.4
- Iterators 0.2.0
- Formatting 0.2.0
Creating a Simhash:
using Simhashes
s = Simhash("I am unique.", 64)
# expected value: 2078868624314847100
Comparing two simhashes:
# with the same simhash defined above
s1 = Simhash("I am also unique.", 64)
distance(s, s1)
# expected distance = 16
Building an index:
# start with a collection of strings
data = Dict{Int, String}(
1=>"I am unique.",
2=>"I am not unique.",
3=>"I am unique for a bear.",
4=>"I am unique?"
# generate simhashes for all
objects = [("$(k)", Simhash(v, 64)) for (k,v) in collect(data)]
# create the index
index = SimhashIndex(objects, 64, 10)
Checking for near duplicates in the index:
test_simhash = Simhash("I am unique!", 64)
duplicates = get_near_dups(index, test_simhash)
# expected: [4, 1, 3]
See the original repository and associated Simhash references for information on the parameters and algorithm.