Enhanced Payment SDK
Last updated : 21/07/2015
What's new? open-android-v3 is enhanced version of SDK V2.
- SDK response time optimization- over 5x faster response compared to V2
- Everything is Object now. No more JSON parsing required.
- Improved WebView. WebView is handled by SDK.
- Uniform responses from SDK across different API’s
- Support for Citrus Cash.
- Added support to gradle/Android Studio
- Less Integration Time Required.
- Zero click payment using Citrus Cash.
Prerequisite </> You must already have installed and configured:
- Java JDK version 1.6 or greater.
- Android SDK Platform 22 (Android 5.1.1)
- A Git client
- Eclipse IDE with ADT or Android Studio
- All Citrus PG Prerequisites.
Note: Please DO NOT PROCEED if the above mentioned requirements have not been met. Citrus PG Prerequisites
You need to enroll with Citrus as a merchant.
Make sure that you have the following parameters from Citrus.
- Secret Key
- Access Key
- SignIn Key
- SignIn Secret
- SignUp Key
- SignUp Secret
- Bill Generator Hosted on your server.
- Redirect URL page hosted on your server. (After the transaction is complete, Citrus posts a response to this URL.)
What is difference between Normal Payment and Prepaid Payment?
Normal payment requires only email and mobile. Citrus User account will be created by only using email and mobile combination. We call it as Bind. Once user is Bind, card can be saved against his account, saved cards can be fetched against his account, and user can see his Citrus Cash balance.
Prepaid Payment requires email and password. Citrus User account will be created by using email and password combination. We call it prepaid account. Once user has prepaid account, following things can be done
- Save cards to user account
- Fetch saved cards of user
- Get Citrus Cash balance
- Send Money
- Pay Using Citrus Cash - user can make a payment using Citrus Cash account if he has sufficient amount for payment.
- Load Money – money can be loaded to user’s account using CC/DC/NB option.
- Withdraw money
How to InitSDK?
Create a object of CitrusClient.
CitrusClient citrusClient = CitrusClient.getInstance(Context);
Pass Merchant parameters in init. e.g
"test-signup", "c78ec84e389814a05d3ae46546d16d2e",
"test-signin", "52f7e15efd4208cf5345dd554443fd99",
"testing", Environment.SANDBOX); // Make sure change the environment to PRODUCTION while going live.
//First Parameter – SignUp Key
//Second Parameter – SignUp Secret
//Third Parameter – SignIn Key
//Fourth Parameter - SignIn Secret
//Fifth Parameter - Vanity
//Sixth Parameter - Environment.
What are different Environments? When I can use those?
- SDK supports two different environments. Sandbox and Production. Testing should be done on Sandbox. Once your app is working fine with Sandbox environment, you can switch environment to Production. Make sure you have set environment to Production before releasing your app to Play-Store.
- Pass your environment as sixth parameter to citrusClient.init method as mentioned above.
- User created on Sandbox environment will not be available on production environment. You have to explicitly create account for both environments.
- SignUp Key, SignUp Secret, SignIn Key, SignIn Secret and vanity will be same for both environments. (Secret Key and Access Key will be different for both the environments).
How to enable Logs?
citrusClient.enableLog(true); // (Make sure you are enabling logs before citrusClient.init() method.)
- Logs can be used while debugging any issue.
- Logs are disabled by default.
- Make sure you are turning off the logs when you are using Production Environment.
Pro-Guard Changes
If you are using Proguard in your project add the following lines to your configuration:
-keep class com.squareup.okhttp.** { *; } -keep interface com.squareup.okhttp.** { *; } -dontwarn com.squareup.okhttp.** -dontwarn okio.** -dontwarn okio.** -dontwarn retrofit.** -keep class retrofit.** { *; } -keepattributes Signature -keepattributes Exceptions -keep class com.google.gson.** { *; } -keep class com.google.inject.** { *; } -keep class org.apache.http.** { *; } -keep class org.apache.james.mime4j.** { *; } -keep class javax.inject.** { *; } -keep class com.citrus.** { *; } -keepattributes *Annotation*
How to import CitrusLibrary in your Project?
git clone https://github.com/citruspay/open-android-v3.git
Fetch the code from
git clone https://github.com/citruspay/open-android-v3.git
Is User Signed In
Lets you know if the user is signed in.
citrusClient.isUserSignedIn(new com.citrus.sdk.Callback<Boolean>() {
public void success(Boolean loggedIn) {}
public void error(CitrusError error) {}
You would receive a status inside callback.
Check Citrus Member (isCitrusMember)
To check whether the user is Citrus member or not, you can use the following method. If it returns true the user is already a Citrus Member (display a SignIn screen) and if it returns false (display a SignUp Screen).
citrusClient.isCitrusMember(emailId, mobileNo, new com.citrus.sdk.Callback<Boolean>() {
public void success(Boolean citrusMember) {}
public void error(CitrusError error) {}
SignUp User.
citrusClient.signUp(emailId, mobileNo, password, new com.citrus.sdk.Callback <CitrusResponse > () {
public void success(CitrusResponse citrusResponse) {}
public void error(CitrusError error) {}
SignIn User
citrusClient.signIn(emailId, password, new com.citrus.sdk.Callback<CitrusResponse>() {
public void success(CitrusResponse citrusResponse) {}
public void error(CitrusError error) {}
Reset Password
Forgot password if the user forgets password.
citrusClient.resetPassword(emailId, new com.citrus.sdk.Callback<CitrusResponse>() {
public void success(CitrusResponse citrusResponse) {}
public void error(CitrusError error) {}
Get Citrus Cash Balance
You can get user’s Citrus Cash balance after you have Signed In the user.
citrusClient.getBalance(new com.citrus.sdk.Callback<Amount>() {
public void success(Amount amount) {}
public void error(CitrusError error) {}
Add Money/ Load Money
This feature is used for loading money to Citrus wallet.
Load Money using Debit Card
// If you have already initiated the CitrusClient, no need to initialize again.
// Just get the reference to the <b> CitrusClient </b> object
CitrusClient citrusClient = CitrusClient.getInstance(context); // Activity Context
DebitCardOption debitCardOption
= new DebitCardOption("Card Holder Name", "4111111111111111", "123", Month.getMonth("12"), Year.getYear("18"));
Amount amount = new Amount("5");
// Init Load Money PaymentType
PaymentType.LoadMoney loadMoney = new PaymentType.LoadMoney(amount, LOAD_MONEY_RETURN_URL, debitCardOption);
// Call Load Money
citrusClient.loadMoney(loadMoney, new Callback<TransactionResponse>() {
public void success(TransactionResponse transactionResponse) {}
public void error(CitrusError error) {}
Load Money using Credit card
CitrusClient citrusClient = CitrusClient.getInstance(context); // Activity Context
// No need to call init on CitrusClient if already done.
CreditCardOption creditCardOption = new CreditCardOption("Card Holder Name", "4111111111111111", "123", Month.getMonth("12"), Year.getYear("18"));
Amount amount = new Amount("5");
// Init Load Money PaymentType
PaymentType.LoadMoney loadMoney = new PaymentType.LoadMoney(amount, LOAD_MONEY_RETURN_URL, creditCardOption);
citrusClient.loadMoney(loadMoney, new Callback<TransactionResponse>() {
public void success(TransactionResponse transactionResponse) {}
public void error(CitrusError error) {}
Load Money using Net Banking
CitrusClient citrusClient = CitrusClient.getInstance(context); // Activity Context
// No need to call init on CitrusClient if already done.
NetbankingOption netbankingOptio = new NetbankingOption(“ICICI Bank” ,”CID001”);
// Init Net Banking PaymentType
PaymentType.LoadMoney loadMoney = new PaymentType.LoadMoney(amount, LOAD_MONEY_RETURN_URL, netbankingOption, new CitrusUser("[email protected]","9876543210"));
citrusClient.loadMoney(loadMoney, new Callback<TransactionResponse>() {
public void success(TransactionResponse transactionResponse) { }
public void error(CitrusError error) { }
Load/Add Money using Debit Card Token.
CitrusClient citrusClient = CitrusClient.getInstance(context); // Activity Context
// No need to call init on CitrusClient if already done.
DebitCardOption debitCardOption = new DebitCardOption("94a4def03fdac35749bfd2746e5cd6f9", "123");
//Note: The Token for sandbox and production will be different
// Init PaymentType
PaymentType.LoadMoney loadMoney = new PaymentType.LoadMoney(amount, LOAD_MONEY_RETURN_URL, debitCardOption, new CitrusUser("[email protected]","9876543210"));
citrusClient.LoadMoney(loadMoney, new Callback<TransactionResponse>() {
public void success(TransactionResponse transactionResponse) { }
public void error(CitrusError error) { }
Load/Add Money using Credit Card Token. </>
CitrusClient citrusClient = CitrusClient.getInstance(context); // Activity Context
// No need to call init on CitrusClient if already done.
CreditCardOption creditCardOption = new CreditCardOption("d7505f22bca20a97f8d8f305530e88a9", "123");
//Note: The Token for sandbox and production will be different
// Init PaymentType
PaymentType.LoadMoney loadMoney = new PaymentType.LoadMoney(amount, LOAD_MONEY_RETURN_URL, creditCardOption, new CitrusUser("[email protected]","9876543210"));
// Call LoadMoney
citrusClient.LoadMoney(loadMoney, new Callback<TransactionResponse>() {
public void success(TransactionResponse transactionResponse) { }
public void error(CitrusError error) { }
Load/Add Money using Bank Token.
CitrusClient citrusClient = CitrusClient.getInstance(context); // Activity Context
// No need to call init on CitrusClient if already done.
NetbankingOption netbankingOption = new NetbankingOption("b66352b2d465699d6fa7cfb520ba27b5");
//Note: The Token for sandbox and production will be different
// Init PaymentType
PaymentType.LoadMoney loadMoney = new PaymentType.LoadMoney(amount, LOAD_MONEY_RETURN_URL, netbankingOption, new CitrusUser("[email protected]","9876543210"));
// Call LoadMoney
citrusClient.LoadMoney(loadMoney, new Callback<TransactionResponse>() {
public void success(TransactionResponse transactionResponse) { }
public void error(CitrusError error) { }
PG Payment
PG payment using Debit Card.
CitrusClient citrusClient = CitrusClient.getInstance(context); // Activity Context
// No need to call init on CitrusClient if already done.
DebitCardOption debitCardOption = new DebitCardOption("Card Holder Name", "4111111111111111", "123", Month.getMonth("12"), Year.getYear("18"));
Amount amount = new Amount("5");
// Init PaymentType
PaymentType.PGPayment pgPayment = new PaymentType.PGPayment(amount, BILL_URL, debitCardOption, new CitrusUser("[email protected]","9876543210"));
citrusClient.PGPayment(pgPayment, new Callback<TransactionResponse>() {
public void success(TransactionResponse transactionResponse) { }
public void error(CitrusError error) { }
PG payment using Credit Card.
CitrusClient citrusClient = CitrusClient.getInstance(context); // Activity Context
// No need to call init on CitrusClient if already done.
CreditCardOption creditCardOption = new CreditCardOption("Card Holder Name", "4111111111111111", "123", Month.getMonth("12"), Year.getYear("18"));
Amount amount = new Amount("5");
// Init PaymentType
PaymentType.PGPayment pgPayment = new PaymentType.PGPayment(amount, BILL_URL, creditCardOption, new CitrusUser("[email protected]","9876543210"));
citrusClient.PGPayment(pgPayment, new Callback<TransactionResponse>() {
public void success(TransactionResponse transactionResponse) { }
public void error(CitrusError error) { }
PG payment using Net Banking.
CitrusClient citrusClient = CitrusClient.getInstance(context); // Activity Context
// No need to call init on CitrusClient if already done.
NetbankingOption netbankingOption = new NetbankingOption(“ICICI Bank” ,”CID001”);
// Init Net Banking PaymentType
PaymentType.PGPayment pgPayment = new PaymentType.PGPayment(amount, BILL_URL, netbankingOption, new CitrusUser("[email protected]","9876543210"));
citrusClient.PGPayment(pgPayment, new Callback<TransactionResponse>() {
public void success(TransactionResponse transactionResponse) { }
public void error(CitrusError error) { }
Payment using Debit Card Token.
CitrusClient citrusClient = CitrusClient.getInstance(context); // Activity Context
// No need to call init on CitrusClient if already done.
DebitCardOption debitCardOption = new DebitCardOption("94a4def03fdac35749bfd2746e5cd6f9", "123");
// Init Net Banking PaymentType
PaymentType.PGPayment pgPayment = new PaymentType.PGPayment(amount, BILL_URL, debitCardOption, new CitrusUser("[email protected]","9876543210"));
citrusClient.PGPayment(pgPayment, new Callback<TransactionResponse>() {
public void success(TransactionResponse transactionResponse) { }
public void error(CitrusError error) { }
Payment using Credit Card Token.
CitrusClient citrusClient = CitrusClient.getInstance(context); // Activity Context
// No need to call init on CitrusClient if already done.
CreditCardOption creditCardOption = new CreditCardOption("d7505f22bca20a97f8d8f305530e88a9", "123");
// Init Net Banking PaymentType
PaymentType.PGPayment pgPayment = new PaymentType.PGPayment(amount, BILL_URL, creditCardOption, new CitrusUser("[email protected]","9876543210"));
citrusClient.PGPayment(pgPayment, new Callback<TransactionResponse>() {
public void success(TransactionResponse transactionResponse) { }
public void error(CitrusError error) { }
Payment using Bank Token.
CitrusClient citrusClient = CitrusClient.getInstance(context); // Activity Context
// No need to call init on CitrusClient if already done.
NetbankingOption netbankingOption = new NetbankingOption("b66352b2d465699d6fa7cfb520ba27b5");
// Init Net Banking PaymentType
PaymentType.PGPayment pgPayment = new PaymentType.PGPayment(amount, BILL_URL, ne, netbankingOption CitrusUser("[email protected]","9876543210"));
citrusClient.PGPayment(pgPayment, new Callback<TransactionResponse>() {
public void success(TransactionResponse transactionResponse) { }
public void error(CitrusError error) { }
Pay Using Citrus Cash
citrusClient.payUsingCitrusCash(new PaymentType.CitrusCash(amount, BILL_URL), new Callback<TransactionResponse>() {
public void success(TransactionResponse transactionResponse) { }
public void error(CitrusError error) { }
citrusClient.signOut(new Callback<CitrusResponse>() {
public void success(CitrusResponse citrusResponse) { }
public void error(CitrusError error) { }