This project is a skeleton for React + Redux web application. It can be used as a starting point for React web application or just as an example how to implement Redux structure in React.
The repository contains a sample React application which is preconfigured to install all the dependencies for instant development. The application has very simple business logic showing how to implement basic operations with users. The main purpose of this project is to demonstrate how to organize your React + redux application.
This project is a basic web application based on the following technologies:
- React
- Redux
- Redux Form
- React-router
- Babel
- Webpack
You can check all the dependencies in package.json. Mock REST API works on JSON server.
This project contains basic features to demostrate how React and Redux could be utilized in common situations:
- JWT Authentication (mock up)
- Sign up
- Log in
- Log out
- Users CRUD operations
- List all users
- Show user
- Create new user
- Edit user
- Delete user
src/ ----------------------------------- application root directory
actions/ ----------------------------- directory for redux actions
actionTypes.js --------------------- action types constants
authActions.js --------------------- authorization action creators
userActions.js --------------------- user action creators
api/ --------------------------------- directory for API classes
Api.js ----------------------------- base API class
AuthApi.js ------------------------- authorization API class
UserApi.js ------------------------- user API class
components/ -------------------------- directory for dumb components
auth/ ------------------------------ directory for authorization dumb components
LoginForm.js --------------------- login form component
users/ ----------------------------- directory for users dumb components
UserCard.js ---------------------- user card component
UserForm.js ---------------------- user form component
UsersList.js --------------------- users list component
UsersListItem.js ----------------- users list item component
containers/ -------------------------- directory for smart components (containers)
auth/ ------------------------------ directory for authorization containers
LoginPage.js --------------------- login page container
SignupPage.js -------------------- signup page container
shared/ ---------------------------- directory for shared smart containers
AppAuthorized.js ----------------- application layout for features available with authorization
AppUnauthorized.js --------------- application layout for features available without authorization
users/ ----------------------------- directory for users smart containers
UserEditPage.js ------------------ edit user page
UserNewPage.js ------------------- new user page
UserPage.js ---------------------- show user page
UsersListPage.js ----------------- list users page
public/ ------------------------------ directory for common public files
index.html ------------------------- index.html template for HtmlWebpackPlugin
reducers/ ---------------------------- directory for redux reducers
auth.js ---------------------------- authorization reducer
index.js --------------------------- root reducer
initalState.js --------------------- initial state object
users.js --------------------------- users reducer
store/ ------------------------------- directory for redux store configurations
configureStore.js ------------------ redux store configuration
index.js ----------------------------- application entry point
routes.js ---------------------------- react application routes
data/ ---------------------------------- directory for mock up json-server data
db.json ------------------------------ data file for mock up json-server data
.gitignore ----------------------------- tells git which files it should ignore
package.json --------------------------- contains meta data about the app and list of dependencies to install ------------------------------ readme file
webpack.config.js ---------------------- webpack config file (can be splitted for development and production environment)
To get you started you can simply clone the react-redux-skeleton repository and install the dependencies.
You need to must a git client to clone the repository. You can get it from
Also you must to have node.js and npm (node.js package manager). You can get them from
Clone the repository using git:
git clone
Next, you need to install packages and run the application. There are two options to do that.
Install all dependencies:
npm install
Start api mockup json-server:
npm run api
Start auto-reloading webpack-dev-server:
npm start
You should have Docker and Docker-Compose on your machine to run the following commands. Build and start docker-compose containers:
docker-compose up
Container uses local directory as a volume, hence it supports hot reload for changes in the node code. For more information look at docker-compose.yml
- Official redux tutorial and documentation by
- 9 things every React.js beginner should know by Cam Jackson