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Data Structures and Algorithms

Searching Algorithms

  1. Linear Search
  2. Binary Search
  3. Jump Search
  4. Recursive Binary & Linear Search

Sorting Algorithms

  1. Bubble Sort
  2. Selection Sort
  3. Insertion Sort
  4. Merge Sort
  5. Quick Sort
  6. Heap Sort
  7. Shell Sort


  1. Sort an Array using Recursion
  2. Sort a Stack using Recursion
  3. Delete Middle Element of Stack
  4. Reverse a Stack using Recursion
  5. Kth Symbol in Grammar
  6. Print Powerset
  7. Print Unique Subset
  8. Permutation with Spaces
  9. Letter Case Permutation
  10. Balanced Parentheses
  11. Josephus Problem


  1. Nearest Greater to Left
  2. Nearest Greater to Right
  3. Nearest Smaller to Left
  4. Nearest Smaller to Right
  5. Stock Span Problem
  6. Maximum Area of Histogram
  7. Maximum Area of Rectangle in Binary Matrix
  8. Rain Water Trapping
  9. Minimum Element in Stack


  1. Kth Smallest Element in Array
  2. K Largest Elements in Array
  3. Sort a Nearly Sorted (or K Sorted) Array
  4. K Closest Numbers
  5. Top K Frequent Numbers
  6. Frequency Sort
  7. K Closest Points To Origin
  8. Connect Ropes to Minimize Cost
  9. Sum of Elements Between

Binary Search

  1. Binary Search on Reverse Sorted Array
  2. Order not known Search
  3. First and Last Occurence
  4. Count of Element in Sorted Array
  5. Number of times Sorted Array Rotated
  6. Find Element in Rotated Sorted Array
  7. Searching in Nearly Sorted Array
  8. Floor of Element in Sorted Array
  9. Ceil of Element in Sorted Array
  10. Next Alphabetical Element
  11. Position of Element in Infinite Sorted Array
  12. Index of First 1 in Binary Sorted Infinite Array
  13. Minimum Difference Element in Sorted Array
  14. Peak Element
  15. Maximum Element in Bitonic Array
  16. Search Element in Bitonic Array
  17. Search in Row wise and Column wise Sorted Array
  18. Allocate Minimum Number Of Pages

Dynamic Programming

  1. 0/1 Knapsack Problem
  2. Unbounded Knapsack Problem
  3. Longest Common Subequence
  4. Matrix Chain Multiplication


Data Structures and Algorithms






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