Utility to manage and keep record of background php jobs.
- It's a Zend Framework 2 module.
- A job registers itself with the manager.
- The manager keeps track of the jobs.
- Require with composer
- Add the module to the Zend application config. After DoctrineModule and DoctrineORMModule.
- Create your own JobRecord descendant(s). Integrate the JobManager in your jobs.
- Configure, create and apply doctrine migrations for your DB.
namespace MyNameSpace;
use Bvarent\JobManager\Service\JobManager;
use Bvarent\JobManager\Entity\JobRecord;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Zend\Config\Config;
use Zend\ModuleManager\ModuleManagerInterface;
use Zend\ModuleManager\ModuleEvent;
* @property string $myCustomValue Some custom value to be recorded for a job.
* @ORM\Entity
class MyJobRecord extends JobRecord {
protected static $soloByDefault = true;
* @ORM\Column(type = "string")
protected $myCustomValue;
class Module {
public function init(ModuleManagerInterface $moduleManager) {
$moduleManager->getEventManager()->attach(ModuleEvent::EVENT_MERGE_CONFIG, array($this, 'mergeInJobRecordDoctrineConfig'));
return 1;
* Merges into ZF2's config, the Doctrine annotation driver for MyJobRecord Entity.
public function mergeInJobRecordDoctrineConfig(ModuleEvent $e) {
$configListener = $e->getConfigListener();
$totalConfig = $configListener->getMergedConfig();
// Find out JobManager's Annotation Driver
$jobManagerEntitymanagerName = $totalConfig[\Bvarent\JobManager\Module::CONFIG_KEY]['entitymanager'];
$jobManagerConfigurationName = $totalConfig['doctrine']['entitymanager'][$jobManagerEntitymanagerName]['configuration'];
$jobManagerDriverName = $totalConfig['doctrine']['configuration'][$jobManagerConfigurationName]['driver'];
// Hook our annotation driver onto that of the JobManager.
$totalConfig->merge(new Config([
'doctrine' => ['driver' => [
// Configure our own metadata driver, which basically means: read class metadata from annotations on files in this path.
__NAMESPACE__ . '_jobm_driver' => [
'cache' => 'array',
'class' => 'Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\AnnotationDriver',
'paths' => __DIR__, // FIXME
// Presuming the existing metadata driver in the ORM service is a DriverChain, add our driver to its list of drivers.
$jobManagerDriverName => ['drivers' => [__NAMESPACE__ . '\Job\Entity' => __NAMESPACE__ . '_jobm_driver']]
class MyJob {
public function __construct(JobManager $jobManager) {
$this->jobManager = $jobManager;
public function invoke() {
// Register the start of the job.
$jobRecord = $this->jobManager->getNewJob(MyJobRecord::class);
$jobRecord->myCustomValue = 'something';
// Do our job.
for ($i=0; $i<10; $i++) {
// Finish up.
The top-level configuration key for user configuration of this module is bvarent-jobmanager
The entitymanager
key is used for specifying the name of the Doctrine EntityManager
to use. That key will be acquired by asking the ZF2 ServiceManager for
. E.g.: orm_default
Access the JobManager
from within your job to register the job and keep the manager updated.
- Testing.
- Pessimistic locking when creating a solo job.
- Web pages with job status summary, etc.
- Job scheduling.
- Doctrine migrations workflow.
- Move Entity\Base to external lib.
- Require PHP 5.5, to use bvarent\zf2-orm-base and bvarent\util