This repo contains a boilerplate Hardhat project able to deploy Smart Contracts into VeChain network.
npm install
npx hardhat compile
If all goes ok you will have an /artifacts folder.
Go to ./scripts/deployVeChain.ts file and edit the following variables:
* Mnemonics to use for sign and deploy contract
* This is a test account :D
const MNEMONICS = [
* Address of a node
const NETWORK_URL = ''
* URL of a delegate (and decide if use a delegate or not)
const DELEGATE_URL = ""
const USE_SPONSOR = true
* URL of block explorer
const EXPLORER_URL = ""
* Enable verbose mode
const VERBOSE = true
* Name of smart contract to deploy (WITHOUT .sol)
const CONTRACT_NAME = "Test"
npx hardhat run ./scripts/deployVeChain.ts