You can use this project as a starting point for a Rails web application. It's TDD ready, and has some great defaults for styles and layout.
Check out the demo you can login as an administrator with: [email protected] / administrator
- Rails 4
- Mongoid as database
- Devise with OmniAuth for user management and authentication
- CanCan for user access control
- Haml for default views
- Simple Form for forms
- Semantic UI for CSS styling with default scripts and form helpers
- jGrowl for more sensible flash messages with no config required
- clone this repo
- Edit
to customize admin user settings then runrake db:seed
to create admin user - Edit
to customize your omniauth providers:config.omniauth :facebook, ENV['FACEBOOK_KEY'], ENV['FACEBOOK_SECRET'], scope: 'email,user_birthday,read_stream' config.omniauth :twitter, ENV['CONSUMER_KEY'], ENV['CONSUMER_SECRET']
- Edit
to customize your application settings, they will be available viaAppConfig
object within your app, e.g.AppConfig.default_role
- Run with
unicorn -p 2222
and browse athttp://localhost:2222
By default, your form fields will be wrapped using simple form, however there are a few custom wrappers you can use as well:
Select Fields
= simple_form_for @challenge do |f|
= f.label 'Challenge Type'
= semantic_select :type, f, ['option 1', 'option 2'], default: 'None'
= f.submit t('submit')
Checkboxes or Radio Fields
= f.input :remember_me, as: :boolean, wrapper: :semantic_checkbox