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Jakob Schwendner edited this page Jul 1, 2015 · 2 revisions

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Howto generate omnidirectional videos

This is a very quick and dirty description on how to generate an equirectangular projection from raw omnidirectional video files taken with rock.


I used the OCamCalib calibration toolbox. I did not get it working with octave.

  1. Take video with calibration target and log camera stream.
  2. Extract single images by using rock-replay, view the camera stream, and export the image.
  3. Convert images to jpg
    convert -format jpg *.png using imagemagick.
  4. Perform calibration procedure from OCamCalib
  5. Store the calibration.txt result in a folder.


  1. Take your videos, and log the camera stream.
  2. Export the images of that stream into a folder using:
    rock-export cam.0.log --stream /cam.frame --filename "cam_#INDEX.jpg"
  3. Use the reprojection binary from this package to convert the images
    reproject --calib calib.txt --output-size 1920 --min-angle -43 --max-angle 35 ../*.jpg
  4. Create a movie with avconv
    avconv -r 10 -i omnicam_%05d.jpg -b:v 8000k omnicam.mp4
    or, if it is for the web
    avconv -r 10 -i omnicam_%05d.jpg -c:v libvpx -b:v 8000k omnicam.webm
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